Here's a few pics of the areas that I'll be working on this winter. This area is across the creek and located in a small bottom area about 3 acres total in size. About an acre of it I rotate in food plot and the rest is just a fallow field area that I'll be killing the fescue out of. This area in the pic seperates the plot area from the rest of the field.
This is looking down the other side of the above pic. This area is aprox. 30 feet wide and runs nearly the length of the bottom, about a hundred yards or so.
This is from the opposite end of the bottom. This should make a real good shrub thicket as its already got some sumac and wild plum growing, I just need to go in and kill out the walnuts and supplement with different shrubs.
This is a different area of the farm, a hillside that I converted to NWSG 3 years ago. This particular area is fairly large, probably 3 thousand square feet and consist mostly of walnut saplings that I'll be cutting and killing and then planting in some different shrubs like wild plum, sumac, false indigo and other quail friendly shrubs.
Same area, different view. I sprayed this area 3 days ago and hopefully it'll start yellowing out here soon then once I see how good of a kill I got, I'll start dropping the trees.
This is the NWSG hillside thats located adjacent to the future shrub/headquarters area.