Couldn't do it


Today I set out to get My young dog River one more bird cause she missed the whole season because of surgery on her foot for a plant awn, and only got 2 birds just before the storm. I left and drove by a few spots to see plenty of birds, Most were a long ways from the road so I forgot about it. I stuck corn out yesterday for some birds around the house, and low and behold just as I was saying the heck with it there they stand in the driveway eating the corn, 4 shoosters and about a dozen hens. I looked at River and said sorry girl you will have to settle for some training birds. There is not much left around for huge #'s so I oppted to just feed them the rest of the year in hopes that enough survive to have a nice group again in the spring. Hope the road popers just don't get em the next 2 days. It was a great year, but time to hang it up and do the training thing. Hope it was as good for all of you as it was for me, great season.
That a boy!

I have done the same thing with the Ruff Grouse. Time to leave some seed for next year.

Happy New Years FC
That sounds like a good batch for seed.
Good Spring nesting conditions, and you can invite the boys down for a hunt.:cheers: