coot needs our help


New member
hey how many of you guys are bored and need something to do? why dont we all put our brain power together and help capt coot. lets set up an E acct and see what kind of lady we can set cootie up with. with all of our ideas we should overload thier computer and kill thier web site.:cheers: yes i'm bored Daytona 500 rain delay is getting hard to take.
That'll ruin E-Harmony's success record for sure, but maybe cootie can make some $$ doing TV ads . . .
could you imagine some ladiy tring to tell coot what to do or how to think. she would have to be some type of neanderthal to do that. a blind date with the coot would have the makings of a first class horror film. it would win an oscar for sure.
I'd sure enough enjoy seeing Coot set up with a PETA Vegan. :eek:

NO! Coot:cheers: I didn't misspell. :eek:
Let me see what would some of the things be he would put in an add.

1. must have poor eyesight
2. must have undying love for green bay
3. must like questionable humor
4. must have poor eyesight
5. must not be able to run very fast
6. must not embarrass easily
7. must have poor eyesight
8. must hate labman
9. must hate vikings
10. must have poor eyesight

I'm sure I left some out so feel free to add some more

11. low self esteem
12. no self worth
13. at least 3 teeth
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I think cootie may be in luck . . . looks like she hunts, too . . .

You guys hurt my feelings:( You know I'm the sensittive type:D Think I need a new pickup line:eek: Come here bitch doesn't seem to be working:D
Try using an e-collar, coot . . .
Seems like trying to be like them cool dudes on mtv has failed me. All the baggy clothes hat on backwards getting me teeth grilled and buying air jordans, and treating the hoo's like s##t has done no good:( I'm just out of place here in Iowa. Geuss the coot belongs in the gettos:eek: Life just aint fair Blackcloud found a wife wearing disco clothes. He really like the village people:p
Don't get a new pick-up line coot. Be a diehard bachelor like me & just get a new pick-up; you'll be happier in the long run.