Controlling Poison Ivy


New member
Now that things have greened up and is growing well, I see that I have a pretty large amount of poison ivy in some of my fence rows, tree lines, and edges.

What is the best way to kill it off or at least minimize it?

I was thinking that if I can knock it down some by spraying, when I burn the next time that might help control it. But there is enough of it that the smoke will be dangerous.

Got any advice or suggestions?
It is a spraying situation. I would stay home the day you burn it. Stuff likes to make me dig. I wouldn't use roundup on it as you will lose any competitive vegetation as well. A 2-4-D and Remedy or 2-4-D and PastureGard mix will work as would several others. I'm sure Banvel would put a whack on it. I'd stay away from anything with Tordon in it as that will move through the soil and kill surrounding woody cover.
I always have afterthoughts. If you have patches that are not near ground water or other desired woody habitat, you can use Spike pellets. They are extremely convenient to use and very effective as well.
Troy, I have it in a lot of places. Its around some of my plum thickets that I do not want to kill.
Some other possible chemicals are Escort, Crossbow, and Arsenal. If you have a solid stand without competing vegetation, then the Roundup will work as a 1% solution.