Constitution Day


As a free mason, I believe in the good old USA and it's grass roots. Today our lodge put on a first class show and display about the history and signing of the US Constitution. All the famous signers, which many were Masons, along with the rest. Many signers of the declaration of independence were also Free Masons. It went over many great men in US history that also were Masons, including John Wayne and many others. The Boy scouts joined us and also put on a show raising a flag and retiring a flag flown in many battles, pretty cool. First time I witnessed a flag retired. We ended the eve with a first class fireworks display, at the end there was a finale with a flaming red white and blue flag. It was a better show then the 4th. So remember today as the day the US Constitution was signed. It was a great night that made me proud to be an American.:10sign:
Good for you FC.:thumbsup: I had a similar experience though not nearly as extravagant. I was at my church were the quire sang patriotic songs of the good ol' USA. I had chills up and down my spine the whole time. I really love this great country of ours. I hope and pray the best for her and our beloved constitution! God bless those who've made it all possible, and those who will continue to do so! -1pheas4
Remember John Hancock

John Hancock said of his large signature on the Declaration of Independence that he wanted King George to be able to read it without putting his glasses on -- a brave act since the signers knew the red coats would be coming to attack.
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See the Constitution at the National Archives

It was a moving experience for me the first (and only) time I saw the U.S. constitution at the National Archives in D.C. There it was, the structure of our three branches of government, the Bill of Rights, and everything else. The next morning I took my soviet Russian born girlfriend to watch oral argument at the Supreme Court. Coincidentally, a case that happened to be on the docket that morning involved the Fourth Amendment right to be secure from unreasonable searches. I felt a surge of wonder and pride that a document written many score years before was even more alive and in force at that moment than when adopted.

There are many other historically significant documents on display at the National Archives. Interestingly, there is no single "original" constitution because hand written copies were needed to provide to the governments of the several states and for other purposes. Reading the constitution does not take long and it is very interesting.
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Good deal Ken, Happy to see someone is still working to keep America strong...........Bob
John Hancock said of his large signature on the Declaration of Independence that he wanted King George to be able to read it without putting his glasses on -- a brave act since the signers knew the red coats would be coming to attack.

Yep, and the man who hollered "the red coats are coming" was also a Mason, Paul Revere. Ben Franklin, and George Washington as well. 39 men signed, and 13, 33% were Masons. The Masons were also heavily involved in freedom from slavery and ran a good portion of the underground railroad. They were simply put, Upright men, that were responsible for the moral values of our Nation.
PS there is no secret messages on the back of either, all made up by Hollywood. Masons were simple great men with a true heart and knowledge of whats right and wrong. Masonry simply takes good men and makes them better, It is all in ones heart. Todays Masons fill an important roll as well. most communities receive scholarships for students, we fund places such as the Masonic cancer research center. The Mayo Brothers were Masons, who founded the Mayo clinic in Rochester MN. Mainly good people doing great things for their community's.
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It is always nice to meet a fellow traveler. You are right the Masons were and still are great men that have loved our great Country before we could even call it that!!!
How you become a free mason? Just curious. Must not be any around here. Its hard to find Org. that care about the constitution and what the country stands for. Don't think what we have in D.C right now cares unless you like greed. Very cool stuff FC :10sign: