Command words for your dog

Here, Whoa (wō), Heel, Find'em, Hunt'em Up, Dead Bird, Bird in Here, No Bird, Kennel, Load, and of're so cute, good boy, you son-of-a-$!&@#, %*$(#(*&#& dog, what the #^@&, and finally...get the cat!
I try to use one word commands. Repeat them over and over and over. Come, sit, stay, no, give, fetch, bird, etc
Verbal commands:
Sit, Stay, Here, Heel, Place (directs dog to go to a specific place & sit), Kennel (go into dog's crate, field blind, vehicle) Dog's Name (Harley, Jetta, Boogie, Betty, (command to retrieve a visual fall, using the dog's name tells which dog to go when hunting with multiple retrievers), Back (command to retrieve a blind fall), Over (directional verbal command simultaneous with a hand cast). Fetch (the F Word is only used for a retrieve refusal, otherwise not spoken in dog's presence, means retrieve it right F'ing now or forced fetch is coming), Hold, Give, Find The Bird (command to start hunting), Find It (command to start an article or shed search) OK (tells the dog it's now free to do what it wants).

Verbal prep commands (tells the dog that a retrieve command & what type will follow):
Mark... Dog's Name (visual fall), Dead Bird... Back (blind fall).

Whistle commands:
One toot, Sit/stop where you are & sit, two toots, Here.

Hand signals:
Sit/stop & sit, Here, Stay/Place, Heel (slap my leg on side I want the dog to come to heel), Over (go in the direction I point), Back (go further out).
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