Later in the day I headed to another large filed. I park and get out and start to walk the filed. 50 yards in a group of trucks show up and sit there and watch me for a minute. Then two trucks drive to the end of the filed, guy hops out and gets in the other truck and heads back to the other group of trucks. Now all the guys are out and milling around, they give me about a 100 150 yard head start then a group of 10 guys and 5 dogs fan out behind me and start walking the filed. I realize this is public land and it belongs to all of us but I hate it when this happens. So I am on a mission now, this is a big field but I try and cover as much of it as humanly possible. 3/4 of the way into the filed I kick up a rooster behind me and to my left. I swing on the bird and all I see is this line of guys, I figure they are at a safe distance and I shoot, bird keeps going shoot again, bird keeps going shoot 3rd time damn bird is still going. Lets just say not only was I pissed I missed what I thought should have been an easy shot but I had 10 guys watch me do it! So I kinda hang my head really upset that all that hard work went for naught when I kick up a second rooster, put this one down first shot. Lets just say I was pretty proud that I was able to get that bird with no help but my own two feet. Made the walk back to the truck a lot easier. Talked to the group that was behind me and they had yet to get a bird

Sorry for the rant but thinking about that still makes me smile!!!
Visited this board for the first time yesterday and this post motivated me to register and post. I had a nearly identical experience. Solo hunting with the dog both Saturday and Sunday from Burlington up to Holyoke, I covered some serious ground, but this is pretty typical for me. I really struggled to find an open field to hunt and never fired a shot all weekend. I've hunted Southwest Kansas on family property and WIA since I was young enough to remember, this was my first experience in Colorado and I'll likely never do it again. The hunter numbers were extreme, not enough WIA to support the crowd. The bird population is poor at best, that's not anyone's fault.
Saturday started around Burlington and Seibert, no open fields at sunrise and hunters everywhere. I found one field I thought was open, only to run into a few hunters on the other side of the hill. A few shots heard, but nowhere near enough considering the number of hunters. Found some open fields mid-morning, but suspect most had been walked already. I worked my way north all day and finally found an outstanding open field far away from areas with lots of WIA. I was about 20 yards from the truck before I flushed multiple birds, followed them to the landing spot and ended up kicking out about 20 more, plenty of roosters, nothing within sensible range. Since the field I was in was an overgrown circle with an old sprinkler in it, and heavy cover, I decided to work this field hard. I spent the next hour (one guy and dog) working the circle from center to outside, herding the birds to one area. Felt good about all this work because I had a handful of roosters landing back toward one area. I probably walked three miles inside this circle covering every logical yard of ground.
I get about 70% through the field, feeling damn good about my prospects on the remaining 30% AND HERE COMES THREE TRUCKS. They sat and watched me for a while (it was obvious what I was doing), then proceeded to exit their trucks and cut out the remaining portion of the field, right friggin' in front of me. They ended up bagging two roosters out of the mix, missing another, and dropped one within 40 yards of me as I was returning to the truck. My dog nearly retrieved it before their dogs. I walked right past the group and through the middle of the area they had "claimed" just to attempt to screw up their plans.
Message to those in this group: You hear about giant disrespectful d-bags in the field with more regularity these days. If you were in this group, you now qualify in that d-bag category. Have some respect for solo hunters that have to work ten times as hard just to find an open field and bag a couple of birds.
It was everything I could do not to lob some lead over their heads or flatten a few tires on the walk back to my truck. I didn't want to lower to their level.
I did see a LOT more respectful people, so to those guys :cheers: To the rest of you? Stay home and play your video games! You don't belong out there!
Regardless of the complete lack of birds (the dog kicked up maybe ten hens sitting tight in two days of walking), had a great time with the dog. My pup just turned two and really hit her stride this season.
The roosters I did see were at least two years old, doesn't bode well for future seasons considering the very small number of hens. Plenty of birds sitting in shelter belts in front of houses. Counted 11 roosters ( no hens) on the edge of a high school football field in one town, what a cool sight!