colorado doves


New member
I am going to try dove hunting for the first time this september. Does any one have any public access i could try or would it be better to find the cover and food and go knock on the nearest farmhouse door for permission? Any info helps!!
I dont know where you live but we tend to do pretty good along the platte,there are plenty of SWA from Greeley to Julesburg that hold doves.There is also walk-in properties all over eastern colorado that we've had some succesfull hunts on.
Or if your on the south end of colorado the lamar area i heard is pretty good and theres both Swa & Walk-in all around that south eastern portion of Colorado also. I havent seen this years walk-in maps but they are usually about the same as last years.Check division of wildlife website they will have a pdf of last years you can look at.Good Luck.
I was out scouting a few of my dove spots today in Weld and Larimer Counties....didn't see many birds around.
Normally these are great spots with plenty of birds. Anyone else been out scouting?? Are you seeing many birds?
New clutches just getting ready to fledge....:cheers:
Took a long drive/loop across the CO prairie for a couple days this past weekend on ministry/work related matters (no time for anything to do with hunting) & saw an endless stream of dove (both Eurasian & mourning) crossing the road in front of me for 100 miles & back - dove everywhere. Should be a great early-season opener IF a cold-front doesn't get us... :thumbsup:

I've got a couple farmer friends in far eastern CO with the skinny on a couple sparsely-placed & clean-banked water holes & which crops if any of theirs have been recently cut - but sure do wish I could find the time to pre-scout/home-in-on a red-hot motherlode where they're all bunched up thicker than flies or mosquitoes - cause I can promise you it's out there somewhere waiting for the taking, with the general overall dove-filled picture I just freshly witnessed! Anybody who knows the gig & does their homework should do quite well on Labor Day Wknd (while I am busy entertaining out-of-state/non-hunting company)... :cheers:

I'm going out much closer to home on opening day be4 holiday visitors arrive, just don't have the time to travel 2-3 hrs one-way right now for a dove hunt (not including scouting) - which is a sure fire recipe to wade into em' deep just about in time to have to turn around & go home... :(
Think I've got a line on enough birds for a quick & decent close-to-home early morning and/or after work shoot on opening day though! :)