Cimarron this weekend?


New member
Coming from Eastern Kansas and considering making the trek out west this weekend.

Looking at the weather looks like some more snow between home and the Grasslands this evening. Is anyone out that direction are the roads okay to travel?

Is January a decent time to look for the scales or would I be better off sticking near home and chasing bobs?

If anyone is headed out this weekend I've got myself and a wirehair if you want to chase them together.

I'd be tempted to join your pursuit if my calendar was free. I have been eyeing the grasslands as a destination hunt to see it and hopefully add the scalie to my harvested Kansas bagged bird. I visited with a lady in early December, and she said hunting had been tough, but noted the scaled quail were south of the river and the bob white's were north of the river. I understand the scaled quail are runners and I would think multiple dogs would be an advantage. I also was thinking that pairing a pointer and a flusher would be a good mix, but I could be dead wrong in my analysis.

In regards to the road conditions, I don't know what you will find in between your place and Highway 283, but I would expect it is clear west of that line.

Good luck if you go and please share an update of your hunt if you don't mind!
Assuming you live east of CNG it's snowing snowing right now across some of your route. We're not supposed to get much though. I think Wichita is forecast for 1"-3". I'm pretty sure the highways were clear before today's snow. Yesterday from Wichita to Hutch was perfect. Roads in town, not so much.
Not for sure about Cimarron, but I am a little nervous about hunting tomorrow. We had quite a bit of ice and in my yard the grass is covered in ice and it is very sharp. I won't let my dogs run around in the yard. My female went out to air and had cut her foot in less than 5 minutes.
I'm probably heading that way (more or less) from CO tomorrow. Plan to hunt SE CO then move into KS on Monday or Tuesday. Any updates on the weather/backroads/field conditions in the SW KS corner? The highway cameras show dry roads, blue skies and minimal snow cover, from what I can see.
I hunted near Marion yesterday a little. Even back roads were pretty good, but to get into a field I had to wade thru snow way over my knees. I drove out to Syracuse today & after Larned, there was only 2-3” of snow. None near syracuse. It was raining a little about an hour ago
I hunted near Marion yesterday a little. Even back roads were pretty good, but to get into a field I had to wade thru snow way over my knees. I drove out to Syracuse today & after Larned, there was only 2-3” of snow. None near syracuse. It was raining a little about an hour ago
Hmm, thanks. Not pleased to hear about the rain, was hoping for still a bit of snow on the ground, doesn't sound like that will be the case unless I go further north or east.
According to what I have been seeing on the net, & personal reports I have gotten, & driving out here, Syracuse is about the only place in KS that does not have snow
I never made it out. The snow on Thursday evening was more than anticipated. Ended up sticking around the house with the wife and kids this weekend. Still planning on finding a way to sneak out before the end of the month but my time is ticking. I really appreciate all of the help and heads on up trying to get out this weekend!
Looking for some advice from somebody that has targeted scaled quail more than 0 times like myself. Would this be considered suitable habitat or is it lacking key plants such as "sandsage, prickly pear, tree cactus, cholla, skunkbush sumac, fourwing saltbush, wild plum, soapweed, and littleleaf."? Trying to determine if its worth walking habitat like this or if we should target areas with a little more shrub brush type stuff.

Scaled quail habitat.jpg
I never made it out. The snow on Thursday evening was more than anticipated. Ended up sticking around the house with the wife and kids this weekend. Still planning on finding a way to sneak out before the end of the month but my time is ticking. I really appreciate all of the help and heads on up trying to get out this weekend!
Looking for some advice from somebody that has targeted scaled quail more than 0 times like myself. Would this be considered suitable habitat or is it lacking key plants such as "sandsage, prickly pear, tree cactus, cholla, skunkbush sumac, fourwing saltbush, wild plum, soapweed, and littleleaf."? Trying to determine if its worth walking habitat like this or if we should target areas with a little more shrub brush type stuff.

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I wouldn’t take a blind walk before seeing proof of life… like these


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Find some bushes, dirty ditch, fence row, ground water, old hulls and look for tracks. If you see them from the truck or at distance and they fly to country like your picture you better hustle!
Good insight! Called the forest service office and it sounds like the roads shouldn't be an issue, which is a plus.