chukar training?

Thanks troy i was hoping you would chime in. I figured if anyone knew it would be you. I guess with the new addition for the upcoming season i am just getting ahead of myself in her training. This will be the first hunting dog i have had that i have completely trained myself from start to finish. Well we all know there is never a finish since we learn every trip out lol. I have had her since the beginning of december when she was 7 weeks old and am beyond excited to see her work this fall. She is growing like a weed.
I've NEVER had a good experience with Coturnix. They were able to fly about as high as the dogs head and after that had to come back down again. They flew maybe, MAYBE four feet?

Great for proofing your dog.

I have heard some guys having good luck with them though. Guess it depends on where you get them.

I've used chukar a couple of times and overall, they weren't too bad. Not as explosive as GOOD PR quail but still got up and got out. Again, depends on where you get them.

agree, avoid them.
BC, sorry to take so long. In training all week. Just 40'd out and came home. I find using pigeons a good start up. When birds are good, I like to get them switched over to pheasant broods as soon as they show up! Nothing like the real deal to get them trained on the habits that they will face come fall!
On public lands, only pigeons may be used. Stocking of any animals is prohibited. This protects the native animals from disease and parasites that the tame birds might carry and preserves the integrity of the management being done on those areas. Also, commercial dog training is prohibited on our public lands. As with most things, if you're making money doing it, it is probably not permitted on our public lands.

I think I know the answer, but can Chukar be used since they are considered none-native? Or since they are considered a game bird, you can't use them?
Just curious, as I don't train on public grounds.
These are some pics of her from about a month and a half ago when she had just started on live birds. I believe she was about 11 to 12 weeks old in these pics
V-John, the public cannot stock any wildlife species on public land. Pigeons are specifically allowed for dog training, but it would probably still be smart to check with the area manager to see how he/she governs that. So, chukars are not allowed to be released on public land.
Did the Coturnix quail fly as good as bobwhites?

Mine flew great. One that was missed flew maybe 1/8 mile. We had a launcher to get them up in the air though. No idea how high or far they would have flown if they got up unassisted. I suppose it all depends how they are raised and the age/health of the birds.
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I've NEVER had a good experience with Coturnix. They were able to fly about as high as the dogs head and after that had to come back down again. They flew maybe, MAYBE four feet?

Great for proofing your dog.

I have heard some guys having good luck with them though. Guess it depends on where you get them.

I've used chukar a couple of times and overall, they weren't too bad. Not as explosive as GOOD PR quail but still got up and got out. Again, depends on where you get them.

The guy I got my coturnix from years ago raised them in a barn, and I only kept them for a couple weeks in an unfinished room in our basement before using them. They were very strong flyers. I imagine if coturnix were raised in the same conditions as most flight-pen bobwhites, they would fly about the same.

Even if they require the same permits as a bobwhite, it might still be worth checking them out. They lay eggs earlier, so would be handy if a guy wanted to maintain his own flock.
Somebody needs to tell the guy over by jeffery energy center he can't release chukar on the public hunting ground. Was over there a couple years ago and a deer hunter said he sees chukar time to time because some guy trains with them.
Thanks Troy.

The quail I buy are phenomenal and reasonably priced. Have been buying from the same guy for years. Great guy. Bought some chukar and they were reasonably priced as well. Unfortunately, it's the time of year, when guys are running out. Sigh.
Somebody needs to tell the guy over by jeffery energy center he can't release chukar on the public hunting ground. Was over there a couple years ago and a deer hunter said he sees chukar time to time because some guy trains with them.

Sure he wasn't seeing prairie chickens?:confused:

Is that public land, or is it JEC land that the public is allowed to hunt on? I'm not trying to start an arguement, I just assumed Jeffrey Energy Center owned the ground and KDWP leased it for hunting.
This was on the west side where access is unlimited. Nope they were chukar. Standing in some thickets right by the road.