Checking in from Arizona


Well-known member
Just thoougt I'd check in.The wife and I have been in AZ for a week now and really enjoying ourselves. Temps this week have been in the mid 70's. Beautiful weather. Not missing the crap going on back in the Midwest. Headed to So. Cal. tomorrow for a NSTRA trial. Hope to see Quail Hound. We will be down here until Mach 1st. Wish it was longer but I have to get back to organize a NSTRA trial I'm chairing the first weekend in April.

If you will be here on the 24th and would like to hunt some gambles Quail. We will be doing a hunt with some Vips from Quail Forever. Let me know if you want to go. I did love to have you and your pups join us. We will have a truck load of Brits for this hunt. :)

Welcome to the valley of the sun.

If you will be here on the 24th and would like to hunt some gambles Quail. We will be doing a hunt with some Vips from Quail Forever. Let me know if you want to go. I did love to have you and your pups join us. We will have a truck load of Brits for this hunt. :)

Welcome to the valley of the sun.

In the Phoenix area? I might but my wife's sister will be visiting and I won't have any wheels.
I'll pick you up If you want to go. I don't know where we are going yet. But I'll Find out. And Pm you. What do you say???:)

Ps say Hi to Robert for me.:)
Looking forward to meeting you and Elle this weekend George.
I'll pick you up If you want to go. I don't know where we are going yet. But I'll Find out. And Pm you. What do you say???:)

Ps say Hi to Robert for me.:)

What does a license cost?
What does a license cost?

George, I know you can buy a one day license but I don't know how much. AZGFD websight is down right now but I'll find out when its up. They just change the licence process down here the 1st of this month. I'll find out. and get back to you.
Zeb, you're going to miss out on another "arctic blast" hitting the mid-west:eek:

Good timing on your part my friend;)

Scott, have fun with that hunt. Sounds like a good time:thumbsup:

Zeb, you're going to miss out on another "arctic blast" hitting the mid-west:eek:

Good timing on your part my friend;)

Scott, have fun with that hunt. Sounds like a good time:thumbsup:


Hey Nick this for the guys from out of state I probable will not shoot. Unless they can't shoot the side of a barn. Then I'll have to school them. LOL Roflol:cheers:
Nice to meet you George, I hope Ellie had a good run in that wasteland.:cheers:
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I close my eyes, and think warm places, I see you, yep, ope, there goes ellie. I see birds, green grass, it's beautiful. DOE!!! I just opened my eyes and see I am still standing in croch deep snow and the 21 below temp coming at me!
I close my eyes, and think warm places, I see you, yep, ope, there goes ellie. I see birds, green grass, it's beautiful. DOE!!! I just opened my eyes and see I am still standing in croch deep snow and the 21 below temp coming at me!

Wow Ken,

It sucks to be you right now. LOL Hang in there buddy spring is only three more months away. :D
Elle didn't adjust well to the temps and desert. Running on hard packed sand and sage brush wasn't for her thus she did't perform at her best. It was also quite warm (hot at times) and kind of tough on a dog that just came from sub zero temps. Her came home with sore feet.

It's been wonderful these first 2 weeks down here. Temps in the mid 70's and nothing but sunshine.

The new license for non residents is 20 bucks a day.

I appreciate the offer but I'm going to have to pass. Too much going on. Maybe next year.