

Well-known member
I'm looking for a pair of light weight chaps. I want ones that have either zippers or snaps on the sides and open all the way to the top like motorcycle chaps.

I have a pair with full zippers that I bought quite a few years ago from Bob Boatman's in Ohio, but they are now out of business.

Anyone have any suggestions?
George: I bought a pair from Cabala's, 100% nylon, the lightest I could find. Typically wear the lightest pants under - khakis. With this set-up my legs are still are too warm.

Years ago the corn fields were loaded with burrs et al and chaps were a necessity - can't say I wear them much any more, although I don't grouse hunt and get into thickets that I used to encounter in No. Dakota and Iowa.

Good luck in your search...
I think I've found two possible chaps that appear to fit the bill. One from Gamehide has a full length zipper. The other is the Browning Upland chaps that have snaps all the way.
Make sure you get flaps that snap over the zippers, keeeps the crud out. Make sure you put them on the correct leg so the flap opens in back!!
I think I would opt for the zipper vs snaps. Snaps wear out, come loose and are kinda difficult filled with snow/ice. I like the pair I bought from Cabalas - zipper most of the way. With my gimpy arm, I need the easiest on-off!
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I think I would opt for the zipper vs snaps. Snaps wear out, come loose and are kinda difficult filled with snow/ice. I like the pair I bought from Cabalas - zipper most of the way. With my gimpy arm, I need the easiest on-off!

Jon, you should look at those Gamehide chaps with the full length zipper for ease of getting on and off. I also have the Cabelas that zipper part way but they are still a pain compared to full length zippers. The Cabelas are nice and waterproof but too heavy & warm for normal and early season hunting.

The Cabalas pair unzip to the knee and seem to work ok. I think they have been discontinued. Mine are very light-weight nylon. If it's wet, I wear rain pants with a light pant under - or stay in the motel!
I was in Dunham's today and they have both the Gamehide and Browning chaps on sale. Gamehide were $49.99 and the Browning were $39.99. I think I'm going back the get the Browning's. Not worried about the snaps in place of the zipper as they will be my "fair weather" chaps. I have the Cabelas chaps with Dry-Plus for the wet and cold.

Are the browning chaps the pheasant's forever chaps with snaps? I had a pair and with in 4 days the bottom snap wouldn't stay snapped.
Articulated knees are your friend!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
Cabala's chaps (mine) seem to unsnap and fall down around my knees - hard to walk like that...

Had to put Velcro on the flap that goes over/under the belt. Will try that for a season and scrap if that doesn't work. Perhaps a safety pin??

I have Boyt - too heavy and seldom wear; however the snaps work!!