Chamberlain's "Un-hunted ring necks"


New member
Caught an episode of The Flush a few years back and have been dreaming of trying to make this trip work for years.

Anyone ever tried boating in to public ground up there and have any luck?

Here is a link to that video:

“Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.” – Fred Bear
Did the trip in October 2008. I remember because of all the political BS I had to listen to from my two buddies.
We pulled a boat from Mpls. There were a lot of birds in general that year and I remember all three of us limiting every day.
Literally just looked for likely spots and had a stake for our anchor. Also, caught walleyes in the evening.
definitely worth doing
Looks like a lot of fun.Ive pheasant hunted by boat a half dozen times.Its a lot of work, and takes planning, as well as weather windows.
Is this doable in December? I'm not familiar with the terrain or weather up in SD but I think this is something I'd like to do.
You really have to be well prepared for the elements to hunt the ground in Dec and stay out of the wind in shelterbelts and cattails. I would think you would be on the misery river that time of year over open water.

I tried hunting the river near Gettysburg in 2017 when it was so dry and bird numbers were way down everywhere. But the river all around there is steep ravines right down to the water. There were a few birds we could get to, just nothing flat to walk or hold a lot of numbers. However just a half mile from the river was crop land and the birds were thick since they had enough rain off the river to thrive in the drought. Limited out for 4 days when many went home empty handed elsewhere.
would not be optimal from the boating/river perspective. Could be 15 degrees with a blizzard.
if you are coming from a long ways away and have specific dates might be better planning for next year
I saw that same episode when it aired and I’ve been slightly obsessed with it ever since. I’m game to give it a shot next October. Already have more trips planned this year than I have time off. Anyone else?
Love the idea of fishing and hunting the same trip and it seems the river always produces good bird numbers every year. Seems to me like the TV show's concept was a bit of a gimmick though. I was watching that episode and looking at the maps. I don't see a lot of ACoE land areas near Chamberlain not accessible by road with a half mile walk. When they had their best hunting they indicated a point directly across the river from Dude Ranch boat ramp. Looks to me like that land across from them is directly below Pheasant Ridge and Thunderstik lodges who have roads down to those fields. I know nothing out those operations but hard to believe they don't have released or managed birds right there next to their operation. The weather wasn't very cooperative for going up/down the river so I get it if they need to present the concept they were going for while actually hunting a preserve but then they should have made that apparent like when they drove to a nearby walk in. But virgin ground full on unhunted birds and no other pressure might be a stretch.
Love the idea of fishing and hunting the same trip and it seems the river always produces good bird numbers every year. Seems to me like the TV show's concept was a bit of a gimmick though. I was watching that episode and looking at the maps. I don't see a lot of ACoE land areas near Chamberlain not accessible by road with a half mile walk. When they had their best hunting they indicated a point directly across the river from Dude Ranch boat ramp. Looks to me like that land across from them is directly below Pheasant Ridge and Thunderstik lodges who have roads down to those fields. I know nothing out those operations but hard to believe they don't have released or managed birds right there next to their operation. The weather wasn't very cooperative for going up/down the river so I get it if they need to present the concept they were going for while actually hunting a preserve but then they should have made that apparent like when they drove to a nearby walk in. But virgin ground full on unhunted birds and no other pressure might be a stretch.
I agree.If there is crop land, there has to be road access.I watched it, and I've floated the Missouri a few times, and the Yellowstone, and the red.
But virgin ground full on unhunted birds and no other pressure might be a stretch.

There definitely is. There's very few, if any people hunting the shorelines of the Missouri River. It's not easy terrain or walking, but when you find the birds you'll find a lot of them. There could be a few spots you could access from the road, after a tough walk, and then have miles of walking along the shoreline. Anything can be done depending on how hard you want to work. It would be a "bucket list" type of trip. You'd have to plan it in advance and pretty much camp on the river for a few days.