bucket list

It really is tough to lose a friend and that is the main reason why you should make every day count. I have lost a couple of my core group of friends some time ago and it really was hard to cope up with it.

I am starting a bucket list of my own and that will include probably items about being able to dive on ship wrecks. That will be a little tough to come by considering the age but not impossible.
Your note on the bucket list really caught my attention. BTW: so kind of you to take your friend.

A good friend and neighbor dropped by last night to tell us she has less than a year. She also has cancer. We discussed her bucket list. It caused me to think about my own list.

Although I hope I have many good years left I am now 63 and you never know. After last night I decided I should work on my own bucket list while I am still fairly healthy. I often hunt planted birds near my home in Vancouver, WA, but I have wanted to hunt wild birds with my dogs, and I keep putting it off. I decided to look at this forum for ideas. I don't like large group drive type hunts. I prefer smaller groups or even just myself and my Vizslas. I never shoot a bird they don't first point. Your suggestions for my bucket list are welcome. I don't have a huge budget.
we survived our trip!!!!!! what a blast. i got gored by a dead moose.:mad: they have a moose antler mounted by their tv. when i bent over to pick up a magizine i took a brow tine to the scalp left a blood trail all the way to the bathroom. just what i need more blackcloud stories:rolleyes: we actually got a shot at a wolf.:thumbsup: i let buddy have first shot. he missed they are HUGE!!!!!! i tried a shot but when he fired his second shot recoil from his gun caused his arm to bump mine sending shot wild. more blackcloud stories. imagine this a 5 by 5 box blind. my buddy is 6'4 300 # i'm 6' 215 # a little crowded. throw in a wolf and we were fumbling around worse than a teenage boy on prom night trying to unsnap his first bra. wife called me for dinner. more later
back again. we were 4 hours nw of winnepeg manitoba. we actually were able to call wolves. first night we got the local pack of 6 to answer our howls. what a rush. next morning we were near a bait. about 45 minutes after first light i let loose with a bunch of coyote yips and howls on my foxpro. soon a lone wolf came in to kick some yote a$$. buddy thought it was on the closest ridge to us.that would of been a 175 yd shot. it was actually on next ridge at 310 yards. we missed. it didnt even run after first shot. it just stood there and looked pissed.:eek: we sat there from sunrise to sunset. towards evening i used a elk calf in distress call followed by wolf growls like they were fighting over a kill. IMMEDIATLLY we had wolves howling! 3 different wolves from different locations of valley. the closest howled for over 20 minutes as it started the long circle to get downwind of the call. we never saw it before dark but it moved almost a mile while howling all the time getting closer to us. we found out wolves hate yotes they run them down tear them apart and pee all over them. if you hear no yotes in morning or evening there are wolves nearby. imagine this. drive 25 miles on a road thru forest get out walk a half mile thru spuce trees alone carring a frozen beaver for bait. then set up in the blind over looking a frozen lake and a creek coming out of lake. talk about a rush. would do it again in a heart beat. we never did get one but it was the best hunt of our lives. friend did great he is still worn out at times from third round of chemo. 1 1/2 years ago doctors gave him less than 6 months. he has a scan in 2 weeks to see if it is coming back 50% chance it will. thanks for your thoughts and prayers
restarting this thread. thanks guys for your thoughts and prayers in the past. my friend passed away yesterday. we were lucky and got to do more than we thought we would. he lived 4 years longer than expected.. he was only sick the last month. will miss him tremendously. not ONCE in the last 4 years did he ever complain about what was happening to him. he always said he was blessed knowing about it so he could plan for his wife and family. the only time he was concerned about dying was last month. he was worried he wouldn't live long enough to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. his sons had a large open house planned. he rested up and was able to enjoy it with all his family. had a great time there with all of them. life is short live it to the fullest
Glad you got to enjoy your friend longer than the doctor's predicted! I went throught the same thing with one of my best friends a couple of years ago. I got him his last quail in life and we sent him home with a bucket puppy. They gave him 2 years, he lasted 5 months. The void will never be filled, but the pleasure he gave me as a friend in the years we had filled my life with many memories. No one guarantees us tomorrow, so make today the best it can be with the ones that are important in your life.
Sorry to hear the news but I am sure you are thankful for the extended time your friend made it. Can't say I have experienced that but figure as I get older that sooner or later most likely will. Sounds like you were one hell of a good friend!

Matt D
buried my buddy wed. his wife and sons had me speak about him at the funeral. i'm kind of a back pew guy in church. never thought I would be standing up front in church. went well. even got a couple of laughs when I told them my name and that you might know me as blackcloud.
Sorry Blackcloud! Hard t lose someone with the same loves in life. They are far too rare and precious! You'll find yourself opening your mouth to mention them as if they were still living, and in a way they will live through your memories of time spent with them enjoying their passion. God Bless!