Broken toe?


New member
So I made it to sd, when I left the dog was limping, someone stepped on his foot the night before. It got progressively worse and last night he was not weight bearing on the foot. I bright him to the vet thismorning first thing and he pretty much told me that it was broken. He did not do exrays. It is for lack of a better term his pointer finger joint between his knuckle and nail is where it hurts him. You can toutch every where else but that area on his foot. The vet gave me previcox and cephalexin for pain and infection. Has anyone else had a dog with this issue? Should i tape his foot with vet wrap? I feel so bad that his fist trip to sd and he is down. Also this was typed on my phone so I am sorry for any misspellings.
keep him crated and quiet and on a leash is about all you can do, if the vet didn't recommend wrapping it I wouldn't
That's a bum deal man, sorry for you and the dog. I have one down right now that missed out on a good trip this year. I wish him a speedy recovery. :cheers:
I agree with bobman......that SUCKS man. sorry to hear. wish your pup a speedy recovery.....its soo damn easy for them to get hurt. I'd check with vet bout wrapping it but good luck keeping the dog from ripping it off and chewing on it. even with a cone on its head probably won't do any good.
Yep sucks, can't do a thing but what the vet did. normally a pain and antibiotic, as done. I always get Rymidel from them but they should know what works. He will be sore for a couple weeks. But they heal fast. Broke my toes twice and nothing for that either. If it happens again I know to keep my money in my pocket and not go in.:D Dog goes in though. He will be fine before long:thumbsup: