Britt vs GSP

Crossing shot

New member
I have always had brittanys. My brother always had GSPs. I rehomed a GSP a couple years ago. Without him, I would not have hunted last year's opening week when it was hot.

I just got a 1 yo britt. She looks like a runner. I need to pair her with a boot licker. Britt or GSP. I do not like the fur drive in GSPs. On the other hand, every season seems to get hotter.

I plan to travel more which would put me a porcupine country and more skunk country. Most of my britts ignore small animals. But they have never seen a porcupine. Are britts less likely to attack porcupines?
A well conditioned dog in either breed in my opinion are going to take the heat about the same .

I have Britts and my buddy who I hunt with most runs shorthairs . We both have good dogs out of good stock . His dogs run a little bigger , sometimes getting a covey find a little sooner , on the other hand when scenting conditions are tough my bit slower working dogs often come up with more finds .

My Britts pointed porcupines but luckily didn't Jump in on them .

I would be happy to hunt behind either well trained breed but have a slight performance to Brittanys as you can tell by my screen name .
My Britts hunt according to the cover. I have had a porcupine run-in with mine. No fun at all. Would much rather deal with a skunk.
I don't understand why you think you need a "boot licker" because your 1 year old might be a bigger runner. I personally wouldn't worry about it. Heck, let 'em run, that's what they are bred to do. But of course I'm assuming you are hunting more open country. If you're in ruff grouse country a closer working dog would be beneficial. Good luck.
That's the way I like it. Let one dog run free to find as many quail as possible. Close dog lets me watch a dog hunt. All three of my britt pairs have been like this. The britt I just rehomed is from a field trail background. Hopefully I can picked up a french britt.

I really did not phrase this post wisely. My main question is "Do your britts get quills in their mouth?"
Can remember if I posted these occurrences and I'm not sure the breed matters or just an obedient dog. In a matter of like two weeks my Brittany encountered a skunk and porkie in my yard, I live in the woods. The skunk was digging up a ground nest of yellow jackets by my pigeon loft, Bella ran right out towards the area and actually ran past the skunk. I spotted the skunk as it was coming towards me, while Bella is barking her head off at it. I whoa'd her, she actually listened and the skunked walked past her at about 20ft. Once it was past her I called her to me and put her in the house......granted that might have been my 1 time in 10 that it worked. About two weeks later I let her out and ran off the front deck and I heard this funny noise, it was the porkie bristling up its quills, Bella was about 5ft from the porkie, I again whoa'd her, then called her back to me and again back in the house. I just hope by recanting these stories I haven't jinxed myself or dogs.

I have had previous brittany's point skunks, once I didn't see it and we both got sprayed, second one I saw the skunk and got the dog and everyone else out of area without being sprayed, both times those were out west pheasant hunting.

Not sure if that helps with the original post, but thought I would share. I always have forecips just in case.