I have a farmer friend in the Seneca area, about 30 miles east of Maryville, he's been seeing some small quail in brood groups, about 4-5 weeks old, while out spraying. This area has been flat plastered with rain too! Gives me some hope, that a few broods hatched and made it so far. A little co-operation from the weather, maybe the hens who lost their broods, or nests, might bring off a late hatch. Last year around Pawnee City, Nebraska, I got up two different coveys of what we used to call "peepers", little birds about 8-12 weeks old hatched in September. Northeastern Kansas, western Missouri, southeast Nebraska, all way too wet! Need that traditional dry August, September, to spark a renesting push. P.S. for what it's worth, lots of farmers took part in the program which allows for them to leave fields fallow or in cover crops, ( read weedy, annual growth), due to the fields being to wet to plant, or having been lost to flooding. If the quail do find a way to bring off a hatch, we might get lucky, lots of fallow weedy fields to raise broods in. Not hearing much about NEK pheasants.