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benelliboys football and hunting season came to an early end friday night. broke both bones in his leg between ankle and knee. had to have surgery sat. to put a rod in his leg.:( he will be ok. hurt like hell. what a shame. he was 7th in 3A football in tackles and i think 24 th in state over all classes. had a 21 tackle night a few weeks ago. senior year also. might have to set up a heated blind for him for deer season.
Sorry to hear that boys. Always tough getting the season ending injuries especially senior season. Praying for a quick recovery and plenty of nurses with icecream.:D
That really sucks! BB feel better and get that leg ready for Prom!! Hope you have a full recovery!!! BC , does that rod stay in the leg forever?????
WoW so sorry to hear of this. BB hope you have a speedy recovery, and a painless physical theraphy. :cheers:
He's had four days to recover. Dad would've had us pitching S##T by now:D Lost my plow man for the year:mad: I'm the one that needs consuling:)
He's had four days to recover. Dad would've had us pitching S##T by now:D Lost my plow man for the year:mad: I'm the one that needs consuling:)

Counseling or Consoling????? Counseling is a givin'!!!!!!:D:D:D No wonder them Nuns Beat you so much!!!!!!! LOL!!!
morphine in ambulance must of been pretty good stuff. i guess he told doc all he needed was a band aid and he could play in second half.
How many girls come over to visit now???????? Probably all the Cheerleaders!!! Coot probably put up the trail cam at the house!!! How long before you can get around BB without crutches or a wheelchair? Will you get to play again or is it career ending? Nurse it as long as you can!!! Get a bell to ring when you need something!!!! Hope you can still get in the Woods this year!!:thumbsup: