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Wonder who Brandon Marshall is going to call out after this game???? There is a reason Cutler and Marshall did not make the grade in Denver and it wasn't talent!:eek:
probally wouldn't matter how much they would score, there defense is so bad!! As a bears fan I'm appalled by the way this defense plays and talent. This is what you get when you pay an average qb 20 million. Not enough salary cap for other players.
They have plenty of talent on Defense...... the problem is scheme! The Corners and safeties never seem to be in the same coverage scheme. The Blitz packages are simple and the O-line reads it with ease.

The problem they have is coaching!
really G powers the bear suck period. they have over spent for jay he sucks and thats why denver dumped him. he is is not very good. and he is no worth 20 mill a year.
I agree that their D is awful. That is why the offense needs ball control and quit giving the damn ball away. Something to keep the D off the field for as long as possible... Cutler and Marshall just don't get it. Talent will get you a fat contract, but it is the other measureables and the will to win that seperate good from awful. Fire another coach, Jay will play better for a year maybe two then fall into the same hole he always does. Ditka would of set Cutler down long ago and let Jay make the decision on whether he wants to be a champion or just collect a check. I think he has already cashed it in for the year. I really thought with the emergence of Jefferies they could win the division. Then I remembered who was the QB.
Chicago fans can be brutal. After the Green Bay game, a local Chicago talk show channel did a call-in poll of some sort, asking them to name the quarterbacks that caused the most Green Bay wins over the Bears.

They listed:
Bart Starr
Brett Farve
Aaron Rodgers




(Brings me back to the days of Bobby Douglas..a GREAT running back who insisted on playing quarterback.)
Boy....did they suck yesterday against the Lions. 1st quarter looked like it might be a game. Cutler is is the Bears defense.

Cowboys weren't much better and 49ers looked like they didn't even want to be there. :rolleyes:

Sure thought at least a couple of those games would be real good hard fought games. I guess not.
Cowboys at home suprised me. Especially with a remade Sanchez. Kaepernick looked lost. He has regressed!!!! It looked like the Bears were going to lay it on them. I think they have Dallas coming up and the Bears probably have nothing to play for except pride at this point!!! Worried about my Broncos going to Arrowhead. I think the Chiefs could make a serious run to the S.B. this year and are better at this point then my Broncos. Just as long as the Chiefs beat Brady I will be happy!!! Hope for some better games this weekend...:cheers:
Hard to believe anyone even talks about the offense when the defense is so bad. Briggs-good grief is he puffy. Tillman out for season and wont be back. Hes old. Houston blew his acl celebrating a sack. Nice. D has given up 40 million yards and 30 million points and this idiot sees the need to celebrate a sack-ending his season. And this knucklehead Young the D end - if I see him do a fishing celebration after a sack one more time Im going to bake him brownies with a fish hook in them.

We had 13 yards rushing yesterday with one of the best all around backs in the nfl?

I could go on and on..

Want to talk about the coaches?:rolleyes: I wish I had the ability to research Trestman and where he was the O coordinator. He took good offenses and made them crap and was fired at 4 different nfl teams yet hes supposed to be out offense savior???
Im also a Bears fan but I have to say these games are hard to watch. I think the problem is a combination of what people have already talked about. Bad defense and bad coaching. Offense has all the talent in the world but get out played when they face a good team. That leads to a bunch of 3 and outs which puts our bad defense on the field again, leading to more points for the opposing team. Its a vicious circle.

Season is done. No chance of making the play offs which is probably a good thing.
Cowboys at home suprised me. Especially with a remade Sanchez. Kaepernick looked lost. He has regressed!!!! It looked like the Bears were going to lay it on them. I think they have Dallas coming up and the Bears probably have nothing to play for except pride at this point!!! Worried about my Broncos going to Arrowhead. I think the Chiefs could make a serious run to the S.B. this year and are better at this point then my Broncos. Just as long as the Chiefs beat Brady I will be happy!!! Hope for some better games this weekend...:cheers:

I don't know. I think the game tonight will be a good one, but if we can't get pressure, he will carve us up as always. I think charles will be the key. The guy is insane. Best running back in football. He has a 5.5 career average per carry. That tops all running backs in history. He could be the best ever. What is amazing is our line is a cobbled together mess, no receivers and he still gets it done! I look for a big game from him again tonight.
I don't know. I think the game tonight will be a good one, but if we can't get pressure, he will carve us up as always. I think charles will be the key. The guy is insane. Best running back in football. He has a 5.5 career average per carry. That tops all running backs in history. He could be the best ever. What is amazing is our line is a cobbled together mess, no receivers and he still gets it done! I look for a big game from him again tonight.

The guy just has great vision and the ability to start and stop on a dime. I wish he wasn't playing. He is that good !! Davis is not bad either. O line for us has been bad in all but 2 games. We try and fix 1 injury problem by moving 3 guy's to play other O line positions. I can tell you how that has worked out. Why not just have one problem instead of 3 ? I see the Chiefs winning and winning the Division this year. So sad to hear about Eric Berry. I hope and pray he gets healthy once again and beats the Cancer.
I am not a big fan of Fox either. Tired of his weekly interviews and Politician type answers. He does not have the step on your throat mentality. You can see it in our play. It should also be illegal to rush 3 guy's!!!lol I hate that with a passion... It also never works.. Hope it is warmer there than here as it dropped 38 degrees in about 8 hours. Chinook winds have been making it feel like fall until today!! Rooting for the Pack in the earlier game tonight(day).:cheers:
I have a feeling there will be another big shakeup in the windy city at the end of the season. This team is in Disarray.

New Coaching regime and maybe GM as well???
I have a feeling there will be another big shakeup in the windy city at the end of the season. This team is in Disarray.

New Coaching regime and maybe GM as well???

How many coaches can 1 QB go through before they look at the QB. People critized Shannahan about RG 3. New coach says the same things about RG 3. More interested in his brand. His brand is soon to be failure!!! I really expected the Bears to contend, then real life surfaces and rears it's head. One common denomminator(SP) Also cheaper I guess to run the coach out of town when so much is invested in a QB, but if they can't play together well what good does a new coach do anyway?
GB looks chilly tonight!!! Damn!! Prayers going out to Eric Berry. Beat that Cancer!!!
Problem, is their in to Cutler for so, much money that they would still have to pay him whether ha stays or goes. Easier to get rid of the coach. I personally don't think testman is that great of a coach. There's got to be a reason he's never, been an NFL coach before.