Attention Fantasy Football People


Draft is set for Saturday Aug 27th at 8 am Central time.

Hope it works for all.

This is for last years league. :eek::confused::)

We will do the new league too, Why not?

Yet to have a draft date, any suggestions?
Sounds good to me that is 6:00 my time. So all should be good. Is ESPN going to set and control the draft pick order, time limit etc. like they did last year? My suggestion...Delete last years draft entirely and start over fresh with all 2011 teams. That way all members will have an equal shot at all the NFL Players if they so choose to join draft..........Bob
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Bob if I'm doing it correctly. All teams start over

It will be 60 seconds per turn.

ESPN sets the order in which teams draft.
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Saturday morning? People are fishing, going to the State Fair, training dogs, etc.

Wouldn't a week night work better? Or, is this non-negotiable?

I'll have to pre-rank players and the computer will have to draft for me. I won't be around Saturday morning at 8 am.
Good deal Wayne, Note: If anybody should be screaming about 8:00 in the morning it should be me. I'll have to get up at 4:00 to make it by 6:00 coast time difference.. 90 seconds is a little slow but we can live with it. I like the way it is shaping up. The same as last year is fine by me. All looks very good to me Wayne, you doing your best work as usual, Thank you......Bob
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It's hard to please everyone, I understand that.
But, 8:00 on a Saturday morning?

Week Nights are normally the best case scenario for the majority of people.
That's my experience in Fantasy Football drafts.
Let me know if we're still drafting for the "new" league. If not, I'll set one up and hopefully everyone not on the first roster can play as well.

I won't be available Saturday morning. I have a company golf tournament with a 7:30 a.m. tee time.
Wildcat leave the DRAFT ALONE Wayne is the boss man and only he can change it. You have 3 options to get the draft done on time. 1 do it yourself. 2. Let ESPN do it for you. 3. Have some one do it for you. here is a 4th you could withdraw.....Bob
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Wildcat leave the DRAFT ALONE Wayne is the boss man and only he can change it. UYou have 3 options to get the dratf done on time. 1 do it yourself. 2. Let ESPN do it for you. 3. Have some one do it for you. here is a 4th you could withdraw.....Bob

I'm not touching your draft. I stated that if we weren't drafting for the "new" league that I would set up a league for those that wish to play that...


Please read my post in its entirety before you decide to berate me sir.
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For information Wildcat I could have misread your post, But I was a member of the UPH Fantasy Football before you were even a UPH member. I think you practice what you preach and read the posts closely, your conclusion's could change
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If we are gonna have a urination contest can't it be over something cool like what barrel length is better 26 15/16in or 27in.
Looks like the stress of the draft is getting to some:D My computers to slow for me to draft so I'll let espn do it for me:( I'll still kick all you guys a$$e$:eek:
Good Luck Coot, I really mean that, it was some pure luck that allowed me win last year. But the fact remains Coot, I have the Champions Crown, so I'm the man to beat.......Bob