Are quail still coveyed up?


Well-known member
Has anyone flushed any coveys lately? Feeling the need to see some points on quail. Wondering if anyone has been out working dogs on birds lately. Pigeons are getting no hum.
I'm sure there is every answer to your question. However, while burning in the past 2 weeks I've seen a group of 3 and 5. I'm guessing that they are starting to covey less as the days get longer. They were sure recalling near dark in the unburned portion of the 85 acres we burned Friday.
I flushed a nice covey of about 15-18 birds at the farm last Thur eve. I was pleasantly surprised last eve I saw 5 roosters and 11 hens driving out to the farm from town. The birds were strung out not all in one spot. Very encouraging!!!
I found a covey the weekend before last.
Then Indy cut himself to the bone on the tail and we have not been out since. :(
Done deal. I'm loading up and heading out Saturday morning! Supposed to be a nice day.

Sunday chance of rain.