Well done!!!:10sign:
My daughter is not old enough to shoot a deer herself yet, but she did talk me into getting a buddy stand so she can tag along. She will have to wait until archery season opens next week though, since I will be doing the shooting.
She's been plinking cans in the driveway with me, and she is doing well with handling her BB gun safely. I would say that as soon as she is old enough to take hunter's safety, I would feel comfortable allowing her to handle a rifle under my close supervision.:thumbsup:
KB, if you want somebody to take your kid deer hunting, you need to look up "Riley County Fish & Game". They have a website and a facebook page, but I don't know how updated it is... They take 30 or so kids and disabled folks every year. There is a Spring turkey hunt and a Fall deer hunt. The kids get to hunt on some really awesome land, and people bend over backwards to put them on deer. The hunt was this weekend, so you will have to wait until next year. But it is definitely worth it. :thumbsup: