Anyone taking a kid deer huting this w/e?

kick them up

Active member
This weekend is the KS early youth rifle deer season. I am taking Collin to the new farm in an attempt to harvest our first deer:thumbsup:. Been working on the deer box and have them timed thanks to the cameras. I sure hope he gets a shot at one. He has been going on for a year now about the little buck he missed last year. I hope to share some pics sunday!

Kick'em up!
My boy is hounding me to take him. What he doesn't understand is that daddy is NOT a deer hunter. I like eating them, I've just never been patient enough and haven't figured out how to incorporate my dogs into deer hunting.

If any of you have a doe you want shot someday and you want to introduce my son to deer hunting, I'll pay for the tag, fuel, and ammo!! Yes, this is a serious request (not trying to high-jack your thread Kick 'em up).
KB, PM me I think we might be able to work out something. I always want doe's to be culled. I got a an elevated deer hut that holds 2 men it has a heater too so the kids don't get cold. I was an exclusive bird hunter until 20yrs ago when I got hooked. Now my time is split between Brids & Deer. Kinda nice to have something to do on lean bird years:D
My 13 year old and I are headed out to our farm this evening. It's will be his fourth year and so far he's 3 for 3. Next weekend it will be his 11 year old brother's turn.

Between the two of them they shoot more deer than we can eat. I haven't shot one in several years.
Good luck guys, I hope your youngsters get a shot! We wont be going out for the opener, dad got too busy at work and didn't have a chance to scout, hang the stand or set up the blind:(. Oh well, it is a long season.

4 for 4 now. He shot a nice doe at about 7:10 this morning. Hope next weekend ends up the same.
Good Deal Matto:thumbsup:

Our deer hunt started off bad but ended up great. My 12yr old stepson Collin was with his dad this weekend but he wanted to hunt so I picked him up saturday at 3pm after working all morning seeding lawns. Well we got to our farm about 5:30 and got all set in the deer hut. I was pulling out his .243 bullets when I noticed that I had by mistake grabbed the SPENT .243 shells :eek::eek:
So I called a friend of mine who lives in Valley Falls. His wife answered and said hang tight. She called my buddy who told her where his .243 shells were and told me to come get some:thumbsup: We ran back to the truck and drove live we stole something over to my friends place. His wife meet us in the drive with a box of shell. We took 3 and hauled ass back to the stand.

We got set back up and about 15-20 min later a Doe shows up by my tree stand about 60 yrs out then another doe shows up. We watched then for about 15 min when I notice out of the corner of my eye a deer coming from the south side of the field and it was a buck. As we waited for him to move closer I noticed a second buck behind him. Well Colling got set up and I ranged the bucks at 88 yards in the milo. Collin took his shot and dropped him where he stood:10sign: It turned out to be a small 8 pointer. He hunted all last year without a shot so there was no way I was saying no to him. He is one happy kid and I am one proud dad. :cheers:
Wahoo! That is awesome! Congrats to you and your son!! Do you have pics of that buck on your trail cams? I bet you guys are still on cloud 9! Did he talk you into a full body mount? (That is what my son told me we should do with his last year :))

Thanks Rutt, No he wanted a european mount. He figures he is only getting one shoulder mount for free out of me so he said he will wait for a bigger one. LOL! I don't know who was more excited me or him. he does want to go back and fill his doe tags so he can focus on rooster hintin!:)
Yeah, mine had to settle for a euro mount as well, because I had already taken my deer to the taxidermist for a shoulder mount about a month earlier. Luckily I do about 12 euros a year, so he got his back pretty quick!:)

Well done!!!:10sign:

My daughter is not old enough to shoot a deer herself yet, but she did talk me into getting a buddy stand so she can tag along. She will have to wait until archery season opens next week though, since I will be doing the shooting.

She's been plinking cans in the driveway with me, and she is doing well with handling her BB gun safely. I would say that as soon as she is old enough to take hunter's safety, I would feel comfortable allowing her to handle a rifle under my close supervision.:thumbsup:

KB, if you want somebody to take your kid deer hunting, you need to look up "Riley County Fish & Game". They have a website and a facebook page, but I don't know how updated it is... They take 30 or so kids and disabled folks every year. There is a Spring turkey hunt and a Fall deer hunt. The kids get to hunt on some really awesome land, and people bend over backwards to put them on deer. The hunt was this weekend, so you will have to wait until next year. But it is definitely worth it. :thumbsup:
It's a lot of fun, and i had the same feeling my son shot his first deer. His first was also a buck, a pretty decent 8 pointer. He's been really excited about deer hunting ever since, and not quite as pumped about bird hunting. Deer standing more or less still are a lot easier to kill than flying birds.

He's hitting some doves this year, so I hope his enthusiam is building for bird season.
My brother in law took my 7 year old niece out. He had loaded up some reduced loads in his .243 for her and she'd been shooting pretty well.

Saturday evening sitting in a square bale blind behind their house she double lung shot a doe at 110 yards.

Sunday evening she shot a 17" 8 point with 4 extra points on it. I heard she was pretty excited after the doe, but was jumping up and down after the buck.
Cheesy that is AWESOME! :cheers:

Matto my son like to bird hunt more than deer " cause you can talk and move" he says. :D
Cheesy, that is awesome! They start them young down there, which is great. I got a few strange looks when I started my now-13-year-old at 10.
My brother in law took my 7 year old niece out. He had loaded up some reduced loads in his .243 for her and she'd been shooting pretty well.

Saturday evening sitting in a square bale blind behind their house she double lung shot a doe at 110 yards.

Sunday evening she shot a 17" 8 point with 4 extra points on it. I heard she was pretty excited after the doe, but was jumping up and down after the buck.

looks like you guys must of slipped into Crawford County,didn't think swm had deer like that:coolpics: lol

looks like you guys must of slipped into Crawford County,didn't think swm had deer like that:coolpics: lol

That was actually south central Kansas where they live. I live in Missouri, but still consider myself a Kansan, thats why I always post over here. :) I've just been visiting Missouri for 9 years, although I only live 5 miles from the stateline.