Anyone seeing birds?

saw 1 hun today. have not seen any hens this spring. just 1 very lonely rooster. LOTS of burning going on this week. all i see is geese no pheasants
I live in Van Buren county, but run a youth group in Davis county. The teens at church are telling me they've been seeing a lot of birds. Like flocks of up to 15 birds with a fair number of hens. Maybe there's a chance down here.

Tell your church group to pray! This report made my day!
Got 80 acres in Van Buren cty, in process of replanting 67 in crp, CP4D. Hoping for a brighter future.
Had the land since 2001, saw one bird that year...28 1/2" tailfeathers!( u can find picture on Wisconsin page under longest spur and tail) Next year saw over 20. Last rooster i shot down there was in 07. Will be out visiting next weekend!:cheers:
I live in Van Buren county, but run a youth group in Davis county. The teens at church are telling me they've been seeing a lot of birds. Like flocks of up to 15 birds with a fair number of hens. Maybe there's a chance down here.

PS...SSSHHHH!!! Let's keep this on the hush. Don't let anyone else know about this.
I saw another rooster this morning in the Salem area. He was standing on the side of the road all by his lonesome self, but it's better than nothing!
Next time you spot him, tell him to head south to greener pasture and the promise of hens.
drove a couple hundred miles of backroads at work the last couple days. saw about 25 hawks. 2 eagles that were trying to carry off a wood chuck. saw only 2 roosters and 1 hen:(
Had a nice trip down to the property this past weekend. Got a 20 lb tom Saturday morning, caught a nice crappie dinner in the afternoon, enjoyed some great company and shared a few(and a few more) beers.:cheers: The crp has been planted, only part left are the food plots.
Went bass fishing Sunday afternoon and heard two roosters cackling hanging out in the draws. :thumbsup:
Was definitely a great weekend! Even better was that the dogs and I came back virtually tick free(only found one on me, none on the dogs), nobody got sprayed(polecats), and no racoon encounters.
Smoked the turkey for dinner last night, even my wife loved it! Saving one of the breast for our South Dakota trip this fall and making pate out of the legs. And I thought pheasant legs were a lot of work, turkey legs are three times the work. Probably burn more calories than you take in.
Just dropped off the tail, legs and beard at the taxidermist.
Lets hope that this spring continues to be favorable as our ground nesting birds begin to reproduce. . . look forward to harvesting a bird or two in Iowa this fall.:thumbsup: