Anyone hunting other states?


New member
Waking up this morning in the cool air was great. My GSP was crying by the window to go outside and run around....I know that cool air is giving him bird fever.

I am still trying to decide which states to hunt this fall. I will probably pick up my Nebraska license although I am really considering my South Dakota license as well.

Is anyone hunting other states this season?
We are going to for the first time ever, hunt roosters in South Dakota this fall. We will still head out to Kansas but not until January.

I have to get to Dodge City and my Bad Habit T-bone steak.

The only time I ever missed a season out in Kansas was when I was stationed in South Korea on a year remote. Other than that I have been going there every season since 1996.

I am in north central south dakota, It appears that we are going to have a better year than last year. Every morning and evening I see young pheasants out on the road. I saw the first one with color yesterday.
Waking up this morning in the cool air was great. My GSP was crying by the window to go outside and run around....I know that cool air is giving him bird fever.

I am still trying to decide which states to hunt this fall. I will probably pick up my Nebraska license although I am really considering my South Dakota license as well.

Is anyone hunting other states this season?

you may want to do some checking on Nebraska, they really got scorched.
Other than Colorado I always hunt Kansas (Colby Area) and for the last 5 years have hunted SD (Redfield Area). This year trying North Dakota (Mott) for the first time. Hunting public land so we will see.......
hoping to make a trip to south dakota this year, I have never been but think it would be a great time. I will hopefully be getting out on the weekends a lot here in colorado as well. My GSP was going crazy on our walk this morning and when i got home he just sat outside watching the birds in the backyard. Its almost that time again starting with doves in 2 weeks!
I will be going to Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and hopefully North Dakota,
How is the hunting in Southwest South Dakota? That is where I would be possibly hunting, do not have th time to be driving to the center of the state.

What state has more public walk in opportunities closer to CO? Kansas or Nebraska?
Will probably hunt Kansas and our great state for the season. Unsure of anywhere else. Depends on my own resources and what my hunting buddies think of doing.

Have a Good 'Urn,
What part of Montana?
When we were in Montana last year in October when we went to pick up Blitz from the breeder. I hunted one day - and on the drive out to the area where we hunted, I saw more birds in 45 min than I had seen the previous year in Colorado and Kansas. ;-)

We were near Power, MT, close to Great Falls.

I was up near Billings a week ago and saw a few pheasants there. It's almost that time! =)

Making my first trip out of state this fall. Montana :D
What part of Montana?
When we were in Montana last year in October when we went to pick up Blitz from the breeder. I hunted one day - and on the drive out to the area where we hunted, I saw more birds in 45 min than I had seen the previous year in Colorado and Kansas. ;-)

We were near Power, MT, close to Great Falls.

I was up near Billings a week ago and saw a few pheasants there. It's almost that time! =)

We are going to be more to the east and hour or two to start out with. We will likely hit some other areas at the end of the trip.

Can not wait. Never been out of KS. After Huns and Sharptail. But if a pheasant gets pointed, I guess I might pull the trigger :D
I will be trying my luck in Colorado for the first time, just moved here. :) Then, for the first time as well I will hunt in Nebraska and Kansas on my way back home to Iowa for Christmas. Then of course, hunt some my old stomping grounds in Iowa.

It sounds like they have good bird numbers in the areas that we hunt in Iowa and if we get some snow late we should get into some birds. Hopefully, we can get into a few here in Colorado. Maybe, giving the mountain grouse a shot the first few weekends and see what happens.
IA Hunter,
What part of Iowa do you come from? Just got back from NW Iowa and N. central, my old home area. Nothing there like the OLD days! NW doesn't look too bad!
IA Hunter,
What part of Iowa do you come from? Just got back from NW Iowa and N. central, my old home area. Nothing there like the OLD days! NW doesn't look too bad!

I grew up near Ames and still do a bit of hunting there and around Humboldt and Spencer as well. We did pretty well last year the few times we went out.

I am anxious to see what hunting is like outside of Iowa and will be going out here this fall as well. Give a shout sometime and we can get together for a hunt!
I am new to Colorado too. Hunted pen raised birds back in New York as there is no real native population there. I cannot wait to see my dog pointing some wild birds.
Trying SD this year

I'm going to try hunting South Dakota public land this year. I've never been there so it will be interesting to say the least.

If anyone wants to go together and split gas PM me. I'm just thinking about running out there for a weekend or three when time allows.
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Grew up in Great Falls, Montana. There was nothing better than throwing a rifle and a shotgun in the truck and going for a "ride". We never new what we would come home with. (Deer, Pheasants, Partridge, etc.) Those were the days. Lots of birds around Great Falls, especially out by the Huderites Homesteads. Misspelled I'm sure! :) Anyway..... Good luck up there in Montana, I'm way jealous!
I have gone for the opener in Nebraska the past three years and plan on going again this year. Hopefully we can find a few birds out there after the drought. And than giving the pheasants and quail hell here in Colorado. My lab pup turned one the end of August, can't wait to have her point her first wild rooster!
Great post guys! Like you all there is nothing better than flush followed by a dog with a bird in mouth! No matter how old I get I still get the same rush when I see a great bird dog work and return birds to hand!