Anybody got HughesNET service or MIFI?


Active member
Last several months I have had nothing but misery with the Hughes Net satellite internet service. I already pay 80.00 a month for the fastest link, and I can't even sucessfully blog or download a Youtube feed! Can't get DSL where I am, thinking about MIFI from Virginmobile. Anybody experiencing the same problems, or currently using MIFI ?
Last several months I have had nothing but misery with the Hughes Net satellite internet service. I already pay 80.00 a month for the fastest link, and I can't even sucessfully blog or download a Youtube feed! Can't get DSL where I am, thinking about MIFI from Virginmobile. Anybody experiencing the same problems, or currently using MIFI ?

O&N, have you considered Verizon MIFI. I travel everywhere in between WI/MN/SD and have never not had a connection. Some connection speeds are faster than others but it gets the job done. Webguy has it too but he relies on broadband for his heavy duty stuff. I am currently using a 3GB package for $30/month. I used to pay $60/month for unlimited but found I was using about 3GB max. if I go over it is about $10 per GB.

I use the MIFI2200 card from Verizon and a Driod Pro phone.
UGUIDE, I was just going to say that. Only thing is, the MIFI is being discontinued and cannot be put on the $35/3GB plan. The new thing is the ZTE 5spot. O&N, I can post all of Verizon's plans on here and give you any more information you need. The speeds of Verizon's mobile broadband cards are 700 kbps-1.4mbps and upload speeds of 400-800mbps. These will definitely increase with 4g rolling out and if you get a 4g aircard.
What they said. :10sign:

We had Hughes Net 3 or so years ago before the verizon network was sufficient to support surfing in our area. It SUCKED! Couldn't be happier with Verizon.
Verizon MiFi here also. Very happy with it.

Another option if you have a Blackberry with unlimited data is I use that also if I need to leave the MIFI at home for my wife to use. Works quite well and an affordable option.

Matt D
Verizon MiFi here also. Very happy with it.

Another option if you have a Blackberry with unlimited data is I use that also if I need to leave the MIFI at home for my wife to use. Works quite well and an affordable option.

Matt D

The only problem with tether app on blackberry is that if your provider catches you using large amounts of data, ex. streaming videos and downloading music, etc., they can charge certain amounts per megabyte and that usually results in huge penalties. I have read the stories and witnessed 1 account first hand.
That's right FC. But there is a 14-day trial period that will allow you to try it out. Shoot me a pm with your address or a a close address and I can look up to see what kind of coverage you would have on Tuesday.
Thanks VZ but there is not even 3g coverage in Alexandria MN.:mad: They never give us the good stuff.

I checked out Alexandria on our map, and it shows me that you all are pretty well covered FC. I'm not sure when you tried it, but it should be 3g coverage there.