A little something to chew on

Forget that thought...I won't debate the right and wrong side of it all.

Op what kind of solutions would you want to see?

I think No matter what is done I believe you'll still have the rich,and the poor. The middle class will suffer the most from any regulations.
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Treat everyone the same. This class warfare is a bad thing for everyone.

Everyone should pay the same %, no deductions. That is fair.
Just look at it this way

Hitler used bombs for his plan to take over the world. Is not taking control by financial ways, not acheaving the same goal? Money is what feeds, houses and clothes the whole world. 80% of the worlds population is living on 6% of the worlds wealth. Well 300 people have more money then 3 Billion of the worlds population. Yet we are being told we must give the wealthy more or face hard times. If we read this in the bible or other ancient books. Most would be compare these times to that of the Roman's or other civilizations who the very wealthy dominated.


"2,200,000 acres

Britain’s Daily Mail was flabbergasted — and rightly so. The amount of acreage owned by Liberty Media’s Chairman John Malone is beyond the comprehension of city slickers, suburban dwellers, and even plain country folk. As the Mail put it, the 71-year-old’s holdings are “just under the size of the Middle Eastern country Jordan and just over the size of Serbia. That means the total sum of Mr. Malone’s land is nearly three Rhode Islands. Or two Delawares. It is the size of 151 Manhattan islands. It’s a lot of land.”

Letting this kind of global domination take place is dangerous. $$$$$ can achieve the same goal as bombs.

wisturkeyhunter, I'm not complaining about what I don't have. I more worried about what the young in this country are facing. The American dream of owning their own land or a home is speeding away at record pace. That's not how our founding fathers envisioned our countries future. They wanted our people to be free of the Tyrone that ruled Europe. A place where they could own a home or land, NOT THE WHOLE COUNTRY. The quest for domination is now grown outside any countries boarders. It's now a goal by many to own the whole world. Laugh as you may, a goal that is quit achievable. It is capitalism broken and out of control. A quest to be financially successful and leading a comfortable life is quit different from world domination. One is good in my mind. one is quit evil. In fact, it is a sin according to the bible. as I pointed out to you in my PM. These folks are gluttons who are abusing a gift given to them.

I edited my above post.

Basically I don't think you'll ever eliminate greed,or the ultra rich. Is it wrong for one to own so much? Yeah it sure could be depending on how they use thier wealth(that's how i see the camel needle heaven verse). Human nature being what it is some people will devote thier lives to getting things and they'll have much. I'll devote my life to living. Nobody became a billionair hunting as much as I do lol.

If you regulate to spread the wealth,it won't be the ultra rich that have to change their habits.Take away 20 percent of 5 billion and you have more than you can spend. Take away 20 percent from a household income of 100k and they'll have to change the way they do things. 100k a year for 2 incomes is a rich family in some people eyes believe it.
A great way to break the cycle