@UplandHntr - OK, OK, it's a FINE-LINE/TOUGH-CALL on what to share & not to share on here..."Advice", "helpful hints", general areas & much more all no problem whatsoever to me - but getting too specific with actual hunting areas is another story, which in my mind is probably best done primarily by PM (& not subsequently divulged by the lucky recipient)!!!
Example: "Around Dodge City", "Up By Wakeeny" in KS or "Outside of Holyoke", "South of Yuma", whatever in CO nearer to where I live - ALL FINE & DANDY...But "10 miles north of Dodge City on Hwy 36 & 2 miles west on CR 1019, in the red switchgrass next to farmer Joe's green two-story house with #412 on the mailbox - we have killed our limit blindfolded with baseball bats every time out there this year" might not be such a good idea on a public forum if a man doesn't want to see a whole lot more company & maybe even lose a good spot or two due to the sudden influx.
Word has always traveled fast enough thru the hunter-grapevine even by word-of-mouth - but broad/instant internet communication with tons of lurkers is now capable of inadvertently setting a hunter-grapevine wildfire without some people even knowing/realizing what has happened...
I too have done my fair share of internet pre-scouting over the years for all sorts of game, zeroing in on likely spots be4 burning up the gas & boot leather. In addition to state wildlife division & hunting websites, perusing for hours over maps & stats/data, personal phone calls made to appointed bird biologists over entire states or species + game wardens/wildlife biologists in specific areas, ect. - this site has been extremely helpful to me in learning where & how to hunt pheasants in particular. :thumbsup: I can't thank many of you enough for your kindness & candidness! I really like the comraderie & gentlemanly helping-hand attitude of this forum, unlike many other hunting forums! :10sign:
I understand very well the problem of common-man Joe Hunter or the newbie or faraway person who doesn't get the luxury of all that much hunting time in the first place, who wants to make it count & needs a little help. I have all the sympathy in the world for that! But we are kidding ourselves to think that on a forum like this there are not also an equal number of less-than-desirable lazy bums looking to freeload/mooch off another man's hard homework & legwork. I think BALANCE is a key word here!!! Unattainable yes, but at least a worthy goal to shoot for!
I wanna see new people & kids continually coming into this sport & having just as good a time as me. I wanna help pass on all the tradition & limited-knowledge that I have gained over a lifetime. I don't want to see folks getting discouraged & giving up for lack of a helping hand. I have no desire whatsoever to hoard everything all to myself or a privileged few...But neither do I want to be USED & TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF by the other kind of individuals who will horn-in with all their buddies and/or give our sport a bad name in their manner of doing so - even by my accident, if I can help it!
Like I said, it's an awful FINE-LINE/TOUGH-CALL of BALANCE (and we don't all draw it in the same place)... :cheers:
BTW, not-to-worry for the remainder of this season - VIRGIN birds still standing around waiting to have their feathers ruffled & picture taken are scarce to non-existent for the rest of Dec & Jan!!! LOL