22 Million Acres of CRP, gone?


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Tom Vilsac (and Biden) being petitioned by farm groups to take out all CRP ground and put it into production due to food shortages in Ukrain.
this would kill pheasant hunting forever.
Gonna really help with their clean air, clean water and capturing carbon. Watch they'll take it all out then turn around and the normal everyday person will be blamed even more for not reducing this country's carbon footprint.
Is Russia going to make up the shortfall? They export as much as we do. They control the Black Sea or whatever it is. Most of Ukraine’s and Russia’s wheat goes to Turkey and maybe Egypt I think . If Turkey would impose sanctions I guess I could see the gamble
I saw something about this on US Farm Report a week ago; another guest was asked about this, and he said it just can’t happen. What is occurring right now is called politics. Could laws be changed? Perhaps. But according to the guest expert, CRP can’t be capriciously canceled temporarily. Maybe PF will chime in. They probably drafted the language 37 years ago with emergency drought provisions built in, but not a wholesale cancelation. Maybe that guest was wrong. I’ll put my $ on this being politics.
Currently, there are 22 million acres enrolled in CRP, and for the 2022 fiscal year, a statutory cap of 25.5 million acres is in place. As a result, there is the potential to provide farmers with access to millions of acres of cropland and pasture that would have otherwise remained idle in order to address both inflation and food security concerns.

“This should be a top priority,” Boozman writes. Notably, the European Union is considering a similar approach of allowing farmers to use fallow land to grow crops, counter supply disruptions, enhance food security, and reduce inflationary pressures following the invasion of Ukraine.
and pasture that would have otherwise remained idle in order to address both inflation and food security concerns.

what the hell good is pasture land???