2024 gear review...what worked and what didn't?

Keep'er Movin

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Now that 2024 is officially in the books, what gear worked well for you and what didn't?

Worked well:

Cabelas instinct prairie runner pants. I loved them. They were comfortable for me in all the temps I hunted in this year and I thought they handled the thorns like a champ. Vented sides were awesome in the warmer weather. Suspenders that came with the pants were an added plus as well.

Cabelas dog kennel. This thing has been awesome. Fits behind the passenger seat in my truck. Keyed lock, intermediate size, and reduced price compared to some of the other brands. The momarsh cot fits perfectly inside as well to keep my dog up out of any water from our wet hunts.

Did not work well:

Browning upland pants. Fit was weird, didn't last, not very tough at all.
Gamehide 12T hunting pants. Almost kept my legs sticker free.

Gamehide Woodsman Upland Jean are not heavy enough.

Both run small in size.
Army issue cold weather gloves worked well, Army long underwear worked well, coonskin cap worked well, Old ammo really didn't work. All that well, new boots worked well.
Big thumbs up for Pyke Gear Dakota Pant. Like the fit, like the weight, liked everything about them this season. For the price I'm hoping for many seasons, but all's good so far. That was the only really new thing in my kit this year.
Worked well: BioAmmo Steel 3s, Teague Titanium extended chokes IC top and bottom, not bothering with Kansas, Missouri, Iowa or Minnesota, my 8 year old Lab, switching to a mesh ball cap, getting access to private land in SoDak, ditch hunting, going on destination trips for multiple days instead of quick-hit day or weekend hunts, wearing my glasses, 20 ga SxS for grouse, only traveling with one dog

Didn’t work well: Boss Warchief 3/5s, TSS thru a Mod choke for prairie chickens, Danner Grouse boots, quail hunting, spaniel/lab on the ground at the same time, trying to determine when a spaniel is birdy versus just moving,

Jury’s out: 12 ga Citori 725 Feather Superlight, lots of off season clays with a big heavy 32” gun, saying goodbye to the 16 ga, not worrying about nicks, dings, scratches on expensive guns
Scheels Endeavor 2.0 $120 pants were a win

Using Garmin Pro 550 Plus with TT25 collars made me question why I waited so long to buy GPS collars. (Yeah, it was the price os why I waited, but I am glad I did now)
Danner hunting boots. Bought them last January and although I used them to turkey hunt last spring and to deer hunt for a week in November, the true test was walking miles while upland hunting.

I expected them to be stiff, but they really weren't. I've generally been a Rocky boots guy most of my life, but tried Danners when the time came to replace. I was very satisfied with them. Not once did I have wet feet.

The next test will be durability. I would expect them to fully hold up for a season, but durability as each season comes and goes is the next phase.

My one gripe was the laces. They tended to come loose too often. I replaced those with better ones that hold a knot better.
Scheels Endeavor 2.0 $120 pants were a win

Using Garmin Pro 550 Plus with TT25 collars made me question why I waited so long to buy GPS collars. (Yeah, it was the price os why I waited, but I am glad I did now)
I have the same Garmin set-up and its awesome!
Game changer for the husky contingent: Nocona Brown Basket Weave Suspenders


i typically wear a pair of one-size-fits-most nylon cabelas chaps over my britches. the bottom hem oftentimes works its way under my heel and when i walk, my heel pulls down on the chaps which pull down on my waist, which causes my pants to sag. every few minutes of walking i have to pull up my pants.

finally found a pair of suspenders to accomodate my portly midsection, and they performed flawlessly. no more sagging britches.
Danner hunting boots. Bought them last January and although I used them to turkey hunt last spring and to deer hunt for a week in November, the true test was walking miles while upland hunting.

I expected them to be stiff, but they really weren't. I've generally been a Rocky boots guy most of my life, but tried Danners when the time came to replace. I was very satisfied with them. Not once did I have wet feet.

The next test will be durability. I would expect them to fully hold up for a season, but durability as each season comes and goes is the next phase.

My one gripe was the laces. They tended to come loose too often. I replaced those with better ones that hold a knot better.
Which Danners? They've got everything from cheapo chinese imports to premium made in USA quality boots.

20 years ago I loved my Danner Pronghorn imports, most comfortable boot ever. But the durability wasn't there for me, the toe wore out. In hindsight, I should have put Tuff-Toe on them when new. I've got some USA made 'heavier duty' Danners (discontinued model), they're a great boot, but more stiff than I want when bird hunting, they see mountain big game hunting instead.
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Carhartt Hooded Rain Defender Jacket paired with a heavy flannel shirt kept my torso comfortable in single digit temps weekend before last.

Stormy Kromer Waxed Rancher cap also kept the noggin and ears warm.


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I’m the guy the keeps trying to believe in Red Head boots. Got them on sale for around $110, broke in great, comfortable, light, zipper helped in getting on and off, water proof, pretty tall. They did great till I hunted a day in late December that it rained all day and everything was soaked. After a couple days on the boot dryer a few seams popped. I still think they repel water but doubt they would make another full season. Also this year it never snowed so they really never got wet a lot. I liked them cause they felt like a sneaker and water proof. Gonna look for a higher quality tactical boot that is water proof for next year
Big Duke Large. Dad left it in my truck. Gotta say it’s a good chaw. Pair it with a damp cold morning toting a SxS double barrel burning paper shells and step back into the mists of time.
-Impala plus 12 gauge. Highly impressed so far. Just ordered a turkey choke to carry it this spring even tho I already have a dedicated turkey gun. Maybe the best bargain in shotguns that exists, just cant find them anywhere.
-Gamehide chaps with plastic buckles. First one broke first hunt. Absolute junk. 3/4 buckles broke and yesterday one of the straps snapped. I just sent Gamehide an email telling them what a pile of shit they made. I only bought them out of desperation after my old ones came apart.
-First Lite merino wool hate. awesome.
-Black Ovis merino shirts and socks. Awesome
-Badlands Huron jacket. Absolutely love that thing. Got it on a sale for 70 bucks.