I'm up just thinking about the weekend hunt. A buddy called and asked if he could come Saturday and I said for sure. We hunted from 9am until sunset. The first spot we saw 5 or 6 roosters, but they were flushing just out of range. Not 100 yards out, but say 50-60 yards out, so no shots fired. I was honestly surprised we saw that many because it's not a big spot. It's private land open to public hunting, so I'm not sure the pressure it gets. I've only ever seen one other group rooster hunt it. Next small spot dogs flushed one hen. 3rd spot I'd been eyeing up, so we tried it for the first time. The dogs hit a scent, and the young one went down a wooded hill out of sight. I was trying to keep an eye on my buddy and both dogs, when all of a sudden the young dog flushed a rooster. I took a long shot at him going away, which I shouldn't have even taken. Off he flew. Later on the same property walking some short cattails a rooster flushed and me and my buddy both missed him at about 30 yards

. Not a good feeling. We hunted one more public spot and saw nothing. I called in my private land card and got the green light. Driving in there was a rooster on the side of the driveway. If this was south dakota with an uncased gun in the truck he might have been done. We walked the property and flushed a pile of hens, which is good. We flushed two roosters. One I didn't shoot at on my discretion of his direction of flight and chance of recovery. The second we both shot at, knocked off feathers, and he flew off into the slough battered. Unfortunately I doubt he made it. Thin ice made our recovery efforts futile. Sunday I slept in (9:30) and was surprised the dogs hadn't waken me earlier. I think they were tired too. I was debating running to Iowa but decided against with deer opening weekend. We hung out at the cabin taking it easy. Finally I figured we better get out, so I headed off to hunt some private land spots I've yet to hit this year. The first one I've tried twice and never seen a bird. It looks good and I scratch my head as to why I don't see a few. After hunting 45 minutes I bulled my way through a thick mix of canary grass(which is bad) and forbes(which are good). A rooster flushed unexpectedly on my right and I got him. Even though he was on the ground not moving, I always let the dogs get the retrieve. I figure it's the least I can do with how hard they work out in the field. A little while later another rooster flushed in the same cover and I missed him twice. That was my weekend in MN. I got one rooster, and really happy to have him. I've yet to get a 3 bird limit in MN, excluding the time I shot 3 in early season party hunting. I think I learned some things this weekend, and hope I am still improving. Even today a friend asked, "are you done hunting for the year?" No I am not. I'm hard headed and as long as the season is open I will go, regardless of bird numbers, chance of success, or access to private property. Thanks everyone for your posts here, I always enjoy reading them. Skye is in the picture, Roxy was busy drinking out of frame from the water hole.
P.S. I think he was a second year bird. He only had one spur, it was black with a little white on the tip. A beautiful bird in flight.
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