2022 pheasant harvest by state

Bob Peters

Well-known member
I always thought it'd be a nice data set to see the number of pheasants harvested by state in a given year. In this case if you find the 2022 harvest numbers (this will include in most states the first few days of 2023) please post in this thread. I just checked for MN and the small game survey has yet to be released.
If this was on facebook, it would already have 50 comments about how 1/2 the birds shot in SD were pen reared, how Kristi is ruining pheasant hunting by eliminating the brood survey, & how most of the SD wild pheasants died over winter, none of which is remotely accurate. So thank you, UPH members, for not being a bunch of blooming morons.
If this was on facebook, it would already have 50 comments about how 1/2 the birds shot in SD were pen reared, how Kristi is ruining pheasant hunting by eliminating the brood survey, & how most of the SD wild pheasants died over winter, none of which is remotely accurate. So thank you, UPH members, for not being a bunch of blooming morons
Yes I agee.
If this was on facebook, it would already have 50 comments about how 1/2 the birds shot in SD were pen reared, how Kristi is ruining pheasant hunting by eliminating the brood survey, & how most of the SD wild pheasants died over winter, none of which is remotely accurate. So thank you, UPH members, for not being a bunch of blooming morons.
True bro so many clueless idiots on fb, you and lots other guys on here got things right. Always been a lab man & it will damn near kill me when my Benny goes to the great roody hunt in the sky. But I'm thinking my next dog will be springer like Ace, I love his personality.
True bro so many clueless idiots on fb, you and lots other guys on here got things right. Always been a lab man & it will damn near kill me when my Benny goes to the great roody hunt in the sky. But I'm thinking my next dog will be springer like Ace, I love his personality.
I believe Ace is the dream dog. I almost inherited inherited a Springer, but got away from me.
Kansas 259k
NoDak 287k
Iowa 357k
SoDak 1.158m

Nebraska is well under 200k and MN likely around 225k.
Man, how did you find all those numbers so quickly? The only number I could find at the time of my post was SD. I did a lot of web searches too!
Just 20 years ago Iowa used to routinely put a million roosters in the bag too. I can recall at the low point maybe 10 years ago it was just over 125,000. It sounds like Kansas is the new Iowa now though.
I remember working at my grandparents summers in the 80's. Id be in the bathroom reading outdoor magazines, thats if I was looking at bras in the jc penny catalog or a cosmopolitan. Iowa and kansas would be one and two in pheasants and texas and kansas in quail.
2010 we had a good year and saw close to a million pheasants, we'll never see anywhere near that again
2010 we had a good year and saw close to a million pheasants, we'll never see anywhere near that again
Its an unfortunate outcome of habitat loss due to modern agricultural practices, and drought. The "hay days" of pheasant and quail hunting in various parts of the country are well documented on this forum too by several members who have seen it come and go, including yourself.
I'm with u guys on KS. When I first starting hunting whia in KS it was unbelievable. Not much hunting pressure at all. Then things changed. KS game started promoting, less crp, etc. Bus loads of hunters, less habitat. Game dept wanted the license revenue, didn't worry about anything else. Hunters were warning, what was happening. They didn't listen. Loss of habitat...
2011 my in-laws lost offers on about 40 percent of their crp. So they trenched water and power from existing wells and put up more pivots Over the first 3 or 4 years of the teens I think the state lost the same. And then about 2020 offers were rock bottom and the western part of the state lost another good chunk. I think the only reason we have any crp left is emergency haying and grazing policies seem to be less restrictive? And then you’ve got no till farming and crop insurance.
Some of the crp corners seem to be coming back so that’s good
Guy we hunted on in Edwards and Kiowa had his corners enrolled. Other than corners here and there, there isn't much CRP around. Most ground tilled right up to the gravel. No ditches for the most part.
One of my family's tenants has enrolled 5-6 quarters worth of corners (quarters that he owns, not my family). He first planted them in late winter of 2022. Establishment was so bad that NRCS made him replant this past spring. I'll make a trip to look at them in the next week or so. When we first bought the ground that he farms, he owned 2 full quarters of CRP and another with CRP corners. That was 2008 or 2009. Over the next 4-5 years, he broke out both of those quarters, bought another and broke it out when the CRP expired, and broke out 3 of the 4 corners. Now he's re-establishing the corners he broke out and adding 4-5 more quarters worth. WIHA CRP in the area has increasingly been broken out or leased up by outfitters. I keep the old WIHA books, which is both useful and depressing at the same time.
Well, keep in mind, the pheasants have initiated tutorial sessions for self-preservation---So there's that....


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