Friday the 13th was a fine day to be out Minnesota pheasant hunting. Was in my area before 9AM and noticed just three deer hunters out in the field. Two on stand and one walking. Looked like more deer hunters were heading out around 3 - 3:30.
Hunted four spots. First up was last year's honey hole. It does not look like much, but I shot birds there every time visited. Nothing. Dog birdy twice, but nothing flushed.
Next three spots were all first time visits (for me). Moved birds at all three and had plenty of points where the birds moved and could not be relocated. I could hear them running in a small cattail slough at one spot. I would say most birds simply were not going to fly today.
The last spot we hit at 2:30. A spot that does not look overly promising and your mind says it has been walked countless times already. A couple birds flushed early on the crop edge. Old dog is tired from a few days of hunting (waterfowling out of state) and a little out of sorts. As we make the turn and head back around she works hard using the cross-wind as her guide along another field edge. A couple false points. Then she really locks up and I could tell by her eyes the birds is right there. I walk up to her and nothing ... she breaks and instead of going further up the edge ... she circles back behind me and locks up again. As I approach her (within 5 feet) a nice rooster explodes out of the grass between us. Boom - rooster down and time to go home ... Me

There appeared to be plenty of pheasant hunters out and about, but I noticed none of them were getting out of their truck and walk. Saw ONE truck parked at a public area the entire time I was hunting. No other areas ever had a vehicle parked, nor did I see hunters out walking ...