2009 wiha, kml

how to us kml??

This idea is really great! Can you send me details on how to make it work, and what links I make? I am not a computer sophisticate, so talk slow and use 3rd grade language.


Step 1
Download Google Earth from here: http://earth.google.com/

Step 2
Install Google Earth

Step 3
Locate the WIHA-2009.kmz file you saved on your computer and double-click it. It should then open up Google Earth and zoom to state of kansas.

Was wondering if you could please send me the file.... I would love to have this kind of tech with me while I am in the field...
Was wondering if you could please send me the file.... I would love to have this kind of tech with me while I am in the field...

KCWIEM, download the file from the link provided by "FamilyMan" and use the instructions provided in earlier posts. If you have any problems just let me know.