2 Colorado State Senators Recalled


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Thanks to all the folks who went out to vote yesterday and for the first time in Colorado history not one but 2 Senators were recalled after taking positions on Gun rights that were not popular. Let's keep it rolling and send some more to the soup line! You better know who you represent. :thumbsup:


Great to See the good people of Colorado standing up for their Constitutional Rights.:10sign:

I was glad to vote him out and was glad to see the female recalled as well because when I went to bed last night it was not so, so when I heard that she was recalled on the radio as I was returning from dove hunting in the light rain showers :) iwas surprised but happy.
good results

I can't say I'm a big proponent of recalls because we all had our one chance to get it right the first time, but I am happy with the results of this one. Just think it sets a bad precedent, but I digress. I just really hope Colorado gets fully back to some of its moral values. Guns in the hands of respectful, lawful, people who want them and with any size magazine they want being one of them. Be a southerner and living in a community with conservative values, and what i would like to think are common sense values, it was shocking to see how divided and bitter folks can be with one another on the issues. I was out there in Denver during the reelection of Obama and the legalization of marijuana vote and it was a toxic atmosphere. Anyhow Colorado folks keep up the fight so folks like me can visit on occasion without having to leave the guns at home.
When New york Mayor gave 350,000 dollars to help the 2 , it really pissed off a lot of people. We are tired of politicians that are elected here that have moved here from other states and want to change our values and beliefs to be more like where they came from. We can stand on our own 2 feet here and Bloomberg better find a new spot to vacation. Should of given that money to a good cause!!