1st Time Heading to grasslands


New member
We are heading to the Fort Pierre National Grasslands for this first time this year for chickens and sharpies. I’ve heard it can get crowded. We will be going the 2nd week of the season. How busy will it be?
Shouldn't be to crowded second week, if hunting mid week. Pay Particular attention to prairie dog towns. Avoid them to minimize incidents with prairie rattlesnakes with you and your dogs. The cattle guards leading into paddocks may also hold rattlesnakes.

You may encounter covies of sharptails, prairie chickens and mixed flocks in the same rise.

It can be very hot, therefore I recommend carrying 1/2 water for each dog running. I carry 2 green bottles holding 32 ounces each.

Good luck, have fun and be prepared to walk many miles.
I appreciate the feedback! We will be on the lookout for snakes and avoid likely areas. I did see the Flush episode. That’s what made me nervous!
If you have the opportunity put your dog through a snake avoidance training program. I believe I saw one advertised in the Pierre area, and it included porcupine avoidance as well. The Western South Dakota Bird Dog Club is having a training in September. You can find that info on Facebook. If you hunt in September, there will be snakes.
If you have the opportunity put your dog through a snake avoidance training program. I believe I saw one advertised in the Pierre area, and it included porcupine avoidance as well. The Western South Dakota Bird Dog Club is having a training in September. You can find that info on Facebook. If you hunt in September, there will be snakes.
That’s good advice and hopefully I can find one near where I live. They are few and far between in this part of the country. I live outside Buffalo NY.
That’s good advice and hopefully I can find one near where I live. They are few and far between in this part of the country. I live outside Buffalo NY.
Avoid the prairie dog towns. There are over 50 registered and some are really large areas. Maps of the PD towns are available as a reference.

I did the snake avoidance training this year with my dogs. $135 for 2 dogs. Well worth it.
I would not come within X miles of a PDog town with my dog for fear of whatever illness he might catch, such as plague.
There is a kennel in Rapid City that just held a snake avoidance clinic. He's now advertising individual sessions. No idea what he's charging. Look up Stills Kennel on Facebook.