'12 - '13 End of Season Statistics


New member
Ah . . . is there generally a more depressing time of year than that immediately following the close of pheasant season? Both Gunner and I have been moping around a bit.

My high level statistics, that I keep for no reason other than fun:

56 roosters bagged on 15 trips, averaging about 3.75 birds per trip. Longest tail feather was only 23 inches.

2,986.7 total miles traveled. $716.50 total fuel costs, at an average of $3.13 per gallon.
well done. Don't do the math it's just, fuel for the misses to shut us down next year. :thumbsup:
As Charlie Dickey said, " I don't count the cost, besides the 21st doctor I consulted today, said I should hunt quail for my health!".
Well done. I need to move :(
Only 15 trips, you definitely had a slow year. You are going to have to schedule work, life and kids better next year:) No wonder you and Gunner both are sulking. You did not get out enough and now its over for another 10 months.

We will have to get Gunner down to Southern Iowa next season, assuming the weather and bird numbers hold up. I plan to do more pre season scouting next year than I was able to get in this year so hope to have some good huntable spots in the south next year. Give Gunner a good belly rub for me and tell him to hang in there, only 10 months to go!
I know. 15 trips ... I easily topped 30 in years passed. Too much work travel this season, and my kids' winter sports schedules were over the top.

56 roosters is a far cry from the 137 taken now 3-4 years ago. Still a decent average though.
;)You forgot the number of shells used, or how many boxes.
Ah . . . is there generally a more depressing time of year than that immediately following the close of pheasant season? Both Gunner and I have been moping around a bit.

My high level statistics, that I keep for no reason other than fun:

56 roosters bagged on 15 trips, averaging about 3.75 birds per trip. Longest tail feather was only 23 inches.

2,986.7 total miles traveled. $716.50 total fuel costs, at an average of $3.13 per gallon.

in iowa? my brother in law says "there aint no more pheasants":)
56 birds, quite a haul