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  1. G

    New Strap Vest

    Are you happy with the vest? It looks pretty good for the price based off the pics.
  2. G

    Hunting solo tactics

    If you have a good dog trust the dog. Don't have the mindset of walking from point A to point B, if the dog catches a scent follow them no matter what even if it means walking places you've already been. Hunting solo is my favorite for this reason...I don't like hunting in groups where we try...
  3. G

    Garmin Fenix

    I am looking into getting a Garmin Fenix watch to pair with my 550 plus handheld…is there any advantage in buying the newer versions of the watch or would I be fine with the Fenix 3? I’m pretty much only going to use the watch for hunting so if the newer updated watches don’t have improvements...
  4. G

    My End of Season (Colorado) Stats

    Nice stats! I’ve always been interested in things like this and need to start keeping track of my own hunting stats better. Did you see many chukars with not many shot opportunities?
  5. G

    Osteoarthritis? Something else? UPDATE DISCOSPONDYLITIS

    Well after a few more vet visits and a referral to Kansas State vet clinic we think/hope that they finally found what is wrong with him...Discospondylitis. It is an infection in the spine that could be either bacterial or fungal, we are praying for bacterial as the fungal type is almost...
  6. G

    Osteoarthritis? Something else? UPDATE DISCOSPONDYLITIS

    Update: Well the vet isn't 100% sure on what is going on yet but thinks it could be hip dysplasia or leg-calve-perthes disease, they are leaning more towards the hip dysplasia but need to do some more tests. Also to throw things on top of it my dog had a baseball sized abscess form almost over...
  7. G

    Osteoarthritis? Something else? UPDATE DISCOSPONDYLITIS

    Yes, I believe they did a Lymes test on him when I took him to the vet.
  8. G

    Osteoarthritis? Something else? UPDATE DISCOSPONDYLITIS

    Recently my 4 1/2 year old Brittany dog Rigby has been stiff and in pain in what appears to be his hind end. I first noticed a couple weeks ago when I would let him out of his crate in the morning that he seemed extra stiff and was walking with a different gait than usual. Well last week he...
  9. G

    10 Day Hunting Trip

    I saw a thread like this on another forum and thought it would be good to see what people came up with on the subject here. If you had 10 days to take a bird hunting trip where would you go? Nothing specific just general areas. Would you hunt multiple species? Would you split the trip up and go...
  10. G

    Anyone going to PF banquet Watertown?

    Thanks, I could see people being more supportive of a local group like that where they know the funds raised will be used 100% locally.
  11. G

    Anyone going to PF banquet Watertown?

    What is the Pro Pheasants group? Is it a South Dakota thing or national?
  12. G

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    That's an awesome pic! It is crazy how much the coyotes will affect the population of fox in an area. I have always been in coyote country. My dad trapped for 25 years before catching his first fox in our area... then when I was in high school the mange did a real number on our coyote...
  13. G

    Rate your past season

    I had my most successful season yet...I am a relatively new bird hunter so I only have the last 5 years to go on, but I saw a few more pheasants in most of the places that I hunt every year. My dog has been doing really good lately and he has my full trust, when he thinks he's on a bird he...
  14. G

    Mid Season Report

    Well I hunted at least once a week since this report and had some amount of success each time out. I save some small private spots for late in the season when the public land has been hammered pretty hard so most of my hunts were on private recently with some public peppered in every once in a...
  15. G

    Pictures of your habitat, projects, food plots, etc.

    The WRP along the outer edges has a pretty good mix of forbs and big blue stem, although the southern end is slowly being taken over by brome...the northern end still has a very good stand of big blue stem. The center of the WRP is the water catch basin; it rarely ever holds water though. It...
  16. G

    Pictures of your habitat, projects, food plots, etc.

    Here is my family farm ground that my brothers and I plan to manage for wildlife. The first is this 80 acres. Currently it has 25 acres of WRP ground and the rest is in crop production. The WRP holds a population of around 20-30 pheasants a year. We’d like to put the other 55 acres into CRP...
  17. G

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    Those furs were just skinned and not finished. I didn’t really learn to flesh and stretch until the last year I trapped hard. When the market went down we sent a few of our pelts in to Moyle’s tannery to keep as decorations and to give to family and friends. Moyle’s does a really good soft tan...
  18. G

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    Pretty much all of those were caught with snares. The bobcats were mainly incidental catches as I was mainly targeting coyotes. Most of the time bobcats and fox would duck right under the snares but every once in a while I'd get lucky. Snaring was my go to method just because of how...
  19. G

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    I don’t get many chances but I shoot coyotes when given the chance. Like others have said the landowners want us too. Also I’ve been a lifelong trapper so it is almost instinct for me to shoot one when given the opportunity. However the fur market has really crashed the past couple years so my...
  20. G

    Late November Report

    Nice! Glad you found a few birds this time around. The drought has really taken its toll on western Nebraska and the birds are suffering a little bit. Hopefully we can get a few normal years in a row and the habitat can come back so the birds can re-populate.