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  1. R

    Road Etiquette

    How can you make a comment like that went you weren't there. You didn't see the steepness of ditch or the width of the road. I do my best to stay out of the way of Landowners. My practices give me opportunities to hunt their land.
  2. R

    Road Etiquette

    There was plenty room to get by with hay. I would of pull down in ditch if possible. I believe a combine with header could of gotten around me. In 12 years of hunting So. Dakota this second time I had landowner get mad at me. First time the landowner felt that owe him $200.00 dollars for bird...
  3. R

    Road Etiquette

    No roads were dry. I saw him down the road about 1 1/2 miles away picking up hay. I could only picture how mad he would be if I were park in his approach then. I know it would be different story then.
  4. R


    He could of lost because got frozen in snow or ice.
  5. R

    Road Etiquette

    I was hunting ditch next to harvest posted harvested corn field. I parked my vehicle where the wheels were just on the edge of the road. Any truck, tractor or farm equipment could get pass me. I was about 1/4 mile from my truck, when a rancher in truck pulling a flatbed trailer stop and ask me...
  6. R

    Dumb,slow,pen raised birds.

    In 2001, Montana's Legislature revamped the state's Upland Game Bird Release Program. The program can reimburse landowners for raising and releasing pheasants in suitable habitats. The intent of the program is to establish new pheasant populations for public hunting. Projects on private land...
  7. R

    Dumb,slow,pen raised birds.

    Goose you probably shot more then one. Montana has been releasing 10,000's pheasants every year since 2001. That where Utah got the idea from.
  8. R

    Dogs over 10

    I believe you have to watch them carefully when they get over 10 years, each breed is different. My dog was 10 year setter old last year and was able to hunt all day long. In last 3 months he start to show his age. He'll go down steep bank to get water from a creek and can't get back up. this...
  9. R

    eenie meenie miney mo... which state should we go?

    Kansas might be a better back-up plan according to weather. They should find quail while hunting pheasants.
  10. R

    Hunting with two dogs.

    I learned the hard way, running a flusher and pointer together. I had a chessie and setter. The chessie would watch for the setter to go on pointer and she would bolt in for the flush, it's hard to get a shot off when they are 50 yards out. Then the setter would being looking over his shoulder...
  11. R

    Looking for expert opinions

    That's a question that has 1000 answers and none of them are wrong. All depends on, hunting pressure, crop harvest, weather, late or early season. Best thing do is start driving around at first light and locate birds in area that you can hunt and hunt the areas that look they would hold a bird...
  12. R

    Passing through SD…Pheasants Galore

    The only change I would like to see, being able to pick 5 days in a 7 day period. My reasoning behind that is give dogs a rest day, maybe day driving and scouting a new area. Also in case you have major storm come through, you can sit out. Just my 2 cents.
  13. R

    Dog siezures

    My brother had English Pointer have them while hunting, vet told him it was cause by got low blood sugar. Had us give him protein bars while hunting, it seem to work dog live for 16 years.
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    Wpa's are state owned so state funds them. National park and Federal wildlife refuges are owned by the Federal government so they will be shut down.
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    La Creek and Sands Lake National refuge might get shut down.
  16. R

    At what point do you retire your dog?

    I have hunted mine every year of their life. I might take them out for 1 or 2 hours in field that I think they can handle or use them to hunt ditches that younger dogs will hunt to quick. Let them sleep in back truck the rest of day.
  17. R

    You should be able to found some by Lemmon, So, Dakota

    You should be able to found some by Lemmon, So, Dakota
  18. R

    South Dakota Hunting Atlas Map

    I try to bring up the So. Dakota hunting Atlas map today, got ArcGis Login. I try my login for South Dakota fish and game for purchasing license. It wouldn't work. Wondering if anyone knew what was going on with this site.
  19. R

    Home made video recommendations

    Don't forget author of this thread "Pheasant and Lab" his dog work is second to none. I'm amazed by how he stop that dog, so can he caught up. You got love his work at continue to do what he loves at his age.
  20. R

    Field kit + I had a blooper load

    Hevi-shot had a problem with their shells doing that in cold weather about 10 years ago and did a recall on them. If your shells get wet, that will cause that problem.