Search results

  1. Labs

    Deer Firearms Opens today (11-08-24)

    Remember that ND Deer Firearms Season opens today 11-08-24, runs through 11-24-24. I can advise that south of Dix the birds have been hunted hard this year and as a consequence are really flushing wind now. A couple days ago I went out to throw trash in the dumpster and there was a rooster...
  2. Labs

    Odd Encounters...

    I'm curious of others get approached by random strangers in the field, requesting to hunt with you. I've had this happen twice in the last two seasons and am not sure what to make of it. The most recent was ND resident opening day. My wife, two of our labs, and I were first truck at a PLOTS a...
  3. Labs

    Affinity 20 Gauge Ammo Issue

    After several hundred rounds of break-in, my Affinity 20 gauge Upland Elite still will not reliably cycle Golden Pheasant and Prairie Storm either 2-3/4" or 3". The pic shows a fired hull after extracted after failure to cycle with a ring in front of the rim. Prior to firing, both GP and PS...
  4. Labs

    Winger Cautionary Tale

    Back in June I had set up two Zinger Wingers and was training the Wrecking Crew. About halfway through the session I was cocking one and engaged the turnbuckle on the bumper pouch to the trigger, but I did not notice the trigger hadn't engaged the sear. As soon as I let up, it fired with my...
  5. Labs

    Franchi Affinity 3 Upland Elite 20 Gauge

    Picked up a Franchi Affinity 3 Upland Elite Select in 20 gauge. Where has this shotgun been my entire life? It's well under 6 lbs and fit me well. Shot a couple hundred rounds on clays (the Benelli Rep recommended 4 boxes of the heaviest loads I could get to break it in) and fell in love with...
  6. Labs

    Prairie Storm Issue

    Last week I was pattern testing my new Orion 20 gauge with various loads & chokes and had a Prairie Storm 1 ounce 5's wad hit the board at 30 yards. I found a clump of pellets stuck in the bottom of the shot cup. I blew it off as an anomaly, until it happened again this afternoon. This time...
  7. Labs

    Father's Day Gift

    Toni surprised me with a nice Father's Day gift this year, a Weatherby Orion 20 gauge. I haven't owned a 20 gauge since the 70's. This lightweight shotgun will be a welcome addition to my upland hunting line up. I'm still patterning it with various loads and chokes to see what it likes best...
  8. Labs

    Hunter Nation

    Anyone a member of and/or have an opinion of the Hunter Nation organization? Earlier this week Ted Nugent's show Spirit of the Wild was essentially an info-mmercial for it, with several outdoor personalities urging watchers to join. Obviously, Uncle Ted and his wife are both heavily involved...
  9. Labs

    The Bird Word...

    Here's NDGF's official word on the upland outlook this season. Not sure I agree, at least around here, but who knows?
  10. Labs

    16 Ga Prairie Storm Price!

    Went in Runnings today to see what was on the shelf. I don't own a 16 gauge and I know it's hard to find now, but this is ridiculous. This time last year at Runnings Prairie Storm was $18.99 a box and at the same time they had it bulk 100 rounds of 12 gauge in a plastic ammo box for $59.99...
  11. Labs

    Uninsulated Danner Pronghorns For Early Season...

    Looking like early season in ND is going to be dry & warm/hot, so it was a good excuse to look for a new pair of boots. I had gotten a pair of Irish Setter Vapor Treks for this purpose a couple years back. Broke them in but didn't use them much until a few weeks ago when I wore them during the...
  12. Labs

    Pouring out here...

    Currently absolutely pouring out here in SW ND. on the way into work this morning, saw adult and sub-adult pheasants as well as huns in the road...
  13. Labs

    Blue Green Algae & Dehydration in ND & SD This Year...

    Be mindful to keep yourselves and your dogs well hydrated while hunting ND and SD this year. Also, with the drought conditions this year anticipate blue-green algae in about any slough or stock dam you find in the field this fall. Remember your dog will cover twice as much ground as you and...
  14. Labs

    Electronic Posting Effective 08-01-21

    Electronic Posting goes into effect on 08-01-21. Landowners can now post electronically but still have the option to post with no trespassing signs. If land is unposted it's incumbent on the hunter to check if it's e-posted before going on it. The impression I get is that "I didn't see any...
  15. Labs

    How fast are they?

    Pretty darned fast, and they get up to speed quickly. This afternoon I was driving home from work and came across a rooster picking grit on the side of the road. I was doing 45-50 and he flushed just before I got to him. Rather than head away from the road, he flew down the ditch right next...
  16. Labs


    Cheaper Than Dirt is selling Federal Blue Box trap loads for $49.99 a box! That's the stuff that is normally around $5.00 a box anywhere. Hope everyone stocked up on ammo & components while you had the chance, this is going to be a rough 2-4 years...
  17. Labs

    How About The Weirdest, Strangest Thing you've Seen/Experienced While Hunting?

    OK, this is an extension of Sweet 16's thread on the coolest thing you've seen while hunting. I'm asking what the weirdest,/strangest thing you've seen or experienced while hunting (any kind of hunting)? If you've spent any substantial time in the field I'm betting you have seen or experienced...
  18. Labs

    Another Season in The Books...

    Our season in ND ended yesterday. 2020 makes it 55 years since I bumped off my first pheasant (with a Daisy 1894 BB gun). It was 45 degrees, no snow, and windy, which other than the wind was a first for January 3rd up here for me. Bet we walked 5 miles yesterday for only 6 hens and 1 rooster...
  19. Labs

    Earning Them Now...

    With only a couple weeks left in the season and October weather continuing in western ND, we are earning every rooster. Went out Sunday, put on 4 miles or so. The Crew put up lots of hens but wild flushes were the rule for roosters. I mean a cough or crunching catttails was enough to wild...
  20. Labs

    My Pet Peeve During Yesterday's Hunt...

    Want to preface this and say that I'm not a fan of push & block hunting nor more than 4 guns in the few times I hunt with a group for anything. My concern is safety, as in my experience it defaults to the least experienced, least safety conscious, or least ethical member of the group. Nor am I...