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  1. G

    End Of The Season

    Hey all, well today was the last day of our bird season here in North Dakota. It was pretty much the same as last year. A good one. Made some good shots and missed some easy ones Could not complain about the weather. Temps were a bit wild, warm, then cold, then warm again. Just a roller coaster...
  2. G


    Hey all, how did you guys do this weekend? I got stuck at work (at work now). Going to give it a whirl tomorrow Stay well my friends Greg
  3. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Thought I'd start a thread were we can post our hunts, dogs and guns for this year. Doesn't matter what game you hunt So let's see those pictures Stay well and a safe season to all! Greg
  4. G

    Grouse Opener

    Hey all, well our grouse opener was today It wasn't the best for us. My two son's and myself only got three. The morning started out cool, low wind and very wet. We had fog that left a very wet prairie. We saw some in the short cover that flushed wild. We had better luck as it dried out...
  5. G

    Early Spring Observations

    Hello all, well, winter for sure is over (I think!). We've been getting plenty of rain, which means good cover. It's been on the cooler side, but warming up. So, if the weather holds (no major storms, heat waves or cold snaps), there should be a good nesting. The winter carry over was...
  6. G

    Heres Another Pro 550 + Holster

    Hey all ran across this one I like the way it sits. Can see the screen and controls with just a glance Best Regards Greg
  7. G

    Final Rise Legacy Vest Question

    Hey all, can anyone tell me if the FR Legacy (not Summit) has magnets on the shell pouches or just velcro? Many thanks! Greg
  8. G

    Garmin Express Vs Garmin WebUpdater

    Hey all, I can't update my TT 15 Mini collar on Express, won't even recognize the collar. I can update the collar on WebUpdater. I can update my Pro 550 Plus on Express (and also WebUpdater) however. My question is, is there any difference between Express and WebUpdater when updating the...
  9. G

    WTB - Garmin TT 25 Or TT 15 Mini

    Hey all, I'm looking for a TT 25 or TT 15 Mini in good working order. Let me if you have one Thanks as always Greg
  10. G

    ND - End Of January 2024

    Hey all, well here we are 1-31-24 and 55 above zero. Just a week or so ago it was minus 26 (and that's not windchill). We've had a real mild winter and hoping it will continue. This bodes very well for the birds. No real winter kills, even with the ice storm we got. Been seeing quite a...
  11. G

    End Of The 2023 Season

    Hey all, well, this weekend is the end of the our season here in North Dakota. It was a good year, not fantastic, but good. Plenty of birds, and the weather was great! Not a lot of snow, warm for the most part. The big downside was the ice storm we got the day after Christmas. That made...
  12. G

    2023 Season Pictures of Birds, Guns And Dogs

    Hey all, thought some of you might be interested in posting pictures of your hunts, guns and dogs. Guess I'll start it off Last Saturday, only was able to get out for a short time. Used my Uggie 16ga 1030
  13. G

    Opening Day

    Hey all, had a good opener. I was able to limit, son Jim dropped a leg on one that glided deep into the cattails. Saw a lot of hens. A lot of the Roosters were just changing color. The birds were a bit wild, even the young ones. Addie really did well, very happy with that pooch. Weather...
  14. G

    Grouse And Hun Opener 2023

    Hey all, opening day today. Rained in the morning so we hunted after it quit. I managed a limit, son Jim did not fair well. Our 11 year old GSP Raina did very well. You'd never know that she's that old Didn't see a lot, but they are a funny bird. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Used my...
  15. G

    Spring Has Arrived!

    Hey all, well after a looong winter, spring has sprung. We got a lot of rain the last 2 days and that with the snow melt (BTW, there is still some snow hanging around in the shelter belts and in the hills) should have enough ground moisture to get the prairie grasses growing for nestling...
  16. G

    Another Blizzard

    Well, another blizzard tomorrow and the day after. Heavy snow and very high winds = winter kill and more damage to the wildlife population. The drifting will be the big issue. We had a nice melt so the birds could get at some food, but with this one it's going to be tough for a few days. The...
  17. G

    Winter 2022/23

    Hey all, just thought I'd give you my impression of this winter. It can be summed up in two words: IT SUCKS! We're getting hit hard this year, so far the third worst winter in recent memory. We're only about 8 inches away from breaking the 96/97 winter. And guess what? We'll more than...
  18. G

    Merry Christmas

    Merry CHRISTmas to all my fellow North Dakotans (and of course all others!). May God Bless you and your families! Greg
  19. G

    The End?

    Hey all, well this blizzard is a doosy. Got some mega drifts going on. All this snow is going to stay awhile. It's going to shut down a lot of section lines and minimum maintenance roads. Not to mention other areas drifting in. Hoping we get a melt to settle the snow In a couple weeks to...
  20. G

    2022 Season In Pictures

    Hey all, thought it would be nice if we shared some pictures of this years season. Please post pics of you, your birds, buddies, guns and dogs. Anyway, day 2 of the pheasant season, pheasants! Got up one hen and a rooster that flushed wild. Boy, today my shooting was really...