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  1. T

    Vest suggestions

    I recently lost my hip belt with snare pliers, dog bowl etc somewhere along a 3 mile WPA loop. I'vebeen wanting a vest but I absolutely hate have a strap under my gun stock effecting the pull. I have had a couple iver the years but can't get over that feeling, hence the hip belt. However...
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    Very impressed with the numbers of birds still out there on public land. I haven't walked a field without seeing at least a couple, not always getting shots but that's a work in progress with a very enthusiastic young lab. Staying in smaller areas where 1 guy and his 2 year old, who keeps...
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    Count the ways ya can screw up

    How many ways can you screw up in one field?? So my first walk was a 3.6 miler around a WPA. Kali got birdy right away and I stupidly didn't go with it as I thought the birds would be on the side of the pond further away from the truck where the thick grass met corn. Instead, we got to the...
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    The music of camping out

    So I've been hunting far from home in multiple states the last few years. Small truck, one dog, not a lot of gear. I try to find out of the way places to hunt, and quietly, legally and cleanly, to camp. Never have seen an ugly sunset (or sunrise) on the prairie, and falling asleep before 8:30...
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    Thank god I have a great wife!

    Leaving Saturday after Thanksgiving for a solo 2 weeks in SD, can’t wait! Taking my new pup who turned 1yr old this Thursday. She did great on a 3 day hunt opening week here in CO. The pup stays close and points ok for her age, hunted well with my bro-in laws older dogs. Quite proud of her...
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    Ear protection ideas from seeds etc…?

    My new pup seemingly hasn’t grown into her ears yet. She’s a hard charger and her floppy ears tend to “fold over”. Add this to the fact that she is a small little lab (mom was 42lbs, dad in high 50’s) who is rarely above the grass and weed seeds. This has caused 2 trips to the vet in order for...
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    Increasing distance of point

    My 11month old female lab is doing “well” with locating, pointing and whoaing. However, she stops way too close to the birds. If the Chuckers are in deeper grass they hold pretty good (pen raised and would rather they flushed early rather then letting her get close enough to almost stick her...
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    Setting up a Johnny House

    I just built a Johnny House and will be getting some adult quail soon to start exposing my new pup (12 weeks) to birds. Question is where to out it right off the bat. I have access and permission on a couple large ranches, both of which border a river. Although i plan on moving it around as...
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    Question I’ve wondered about

    With the droughts in many traditional Pheasant states knocking numbers way back over multiple years, there is always someone who posts on this forum about stocking to rebuild populations. I believe most people (but not all) seem to agree that stocking birds is not helpful as those pen raised...
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    “Weather” or not?

    So I have a quick window to get away and hunt SD. Looking at the forecast, it looks like wind between 20 and 40mph on a few of those days. I can either leave tomorrow and hunt Tuesday through Saturday and get back home for moms 85th birthday on Monday ( this was my original plan), or wait until...
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    How was it?

    Heading out tomorrow to eastern Colorado somewhere. Did anyone on this forum hunt the opener?
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    advice on labs foot problems

    Just wondering if anyone has seen this before. I just returned from a solo trip to South Dakota early due to a problem my Lab is having with his feet. The pics below are of his worst front foot, but the other front foot has 3 spots the same size and his back feet have 3 and 2 small spots on...
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    Point lab cedar point reference

    Hi all. Long story short... from CO and in South Dakota. Going to go see some parents at Cedar Point Kennels in Pierre for a pointing lab. Seems like a nice guy...but yall know how that goes.. Anyone have any info, if so PM me? Its kinda short notice, Thanks
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    SD sources of Info

    I believe in the positive use of this forum for helping others get into or improve their experiences, "spreading the joy" so to speak. So, although I am asking specifically about SD, feel free to pipe up about any upland state. For those of you who travel to hunt (which is probably almost all of...
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    Safety first ;)

    Glad im doing my part to "flatten the curve" ;). They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep
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    Montana Internet map scouting

    Im sure that its not a secrete to everyone on this forum that prior to heading to a new hunting area, the internet mapping apps have proven incredibly valuable. Prior to heading to Montana I marked public access that included or boarded on what to my previous experience looked to be "obvious"...
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    Thanks MT FWP

    Just want to publically thank Montana FWP for doing an excellent job this year. Although ive spent plenty of time in Montana chasing trout, this was my first trip chasing roosters. Didnt know much of anything except to get a hunt planner, log onto Google maps and go for it..... 4 of 6 days were...
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    Thread deleted

    Sorry..trying to delete.. saw the thread already started below
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    Crop update

    Hi all. I've been playing phone tag with friends that farm in northeast CO to find out how the harvest is progressing. I'll post what I learn after hearing back. In general terms, how's it looking throughout the traditional pheasant range in Colorado? Sounds like it's going to be a good one...
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    Your take on a common shooting problem

    Just out of courosity, I'd like to read some opinions about a common problem described not only in posts on this forum, but personally experienced by either I or one or more of my hunting partners every year. In mid November after a long duck season, I spent a 3day weekend chasing pheasants. On...