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  1. K

    Land Acquisition and Conservation Easements

    You own the land in the easement and they are telling you that you can't allow hunting? (Wanting to make sure I read it right -- or you mean they are an anti hunting org?) Nature Conservancy and what state?
  2. K

    Habitat experiment NE KS

    Berryton - so close.
  3. K

    Habitat experiment NE KS

    I was fortunate to be able to purchase 72 acres - was an 80 save for the RR tracks running through it now a trail -- anyways next door to the 6 acres we live on now and closed on it last June. About 45 or so of it is farmed. 22 or so is pretty much waste but about 10 was farmed up until 2018...
  4. K

    Howard Vincent retiring from PF

    I dont think it's the kids the ruin it -- it's typically the adults taking advantage of it. In KS it sure seems that way -- you should see the photos of bucks posted on the KS hunting and fishing FB page after "Youth" deer season opens. 7-10 yr olds on that page have shot some once in a...
  5. K

    You're all full of it.....

    Troy you're an outlier. I dont know where you fall on PF - I dont like them, not expecting you to voice your opinion - I want to call out their political BS. Same for the upper mgmt of KDWP and our state legislature - It's very likely mostly wasted energy. Anyways respect what you do and...
  6. K

    Upland bird population will never fully rebound.

    Sounds like you are a duck hunter too? I'm not really into ducks but like watching the migration/seeing them - so follow at a distance -- there's a group Waterfowl Forums or something like that - they are facing the same issues -- what little I looked into it seemed that weather may have been...
  7. K

    Howard Vincent retiring from PF

    WHERE I LIVE -- KS _- you are better off spending money with DU and NWTF or Nature Conservancy -- They provide far more habitat and money in this state than PF -- I'm not going to relay my good friends dealings with PF as that's his story to tell if he wants to - but crimey - PF people he deals...
  8. K

    Upland bird population will never fully rebound.

    PF doesnt do squat in KS - when you dive into their financials you can see it's all smoke and mirrors. One of my dear friends manages Thousands and thousands of acres for a # of wealthy folks that care about conservation but own the land for wealth preservation and of course developing it...
  9. K

    Howard Vincent retiring from PF

    You really have drank the kool-aid
  10. K

    It Looks Grim

    When am I meeting you in Iowa -- Have 2 setters ready to go - they have not seen enough roosters since I've been focusing on quail mainly. You want someone to go I'm game. Been a long time since I've had a good pheasant hunt. Those are hard to come by in my usual haunts anymore.
  11. K

    It Looks Grim

    You Cheesy and myself are probably about the same age -- What has changed is roundup ready crops, lack of eco/biodiversity and a switch for a lot to beans/corn rotation - limited milo - no dirty wheat fields, loss of CRP etc. We also fail to take into account that we have the Deertards who all...
  12. K

    It Looks Grim

    I'm guessing he's from Colorado - if so that explains a lot. A lot of disparaging comments about people who live here. We probably have more in common than he thinks - most of us realize the Big Ag system is broken - I probably disagree with him about what has caused climate change but...
  13. K

    It Looks Grim

    Insert eye roll - this is far from the truth - KS Residents have been against these policies for years - The KDWP Secretary is a governor appointment and everyone from Dems to Repubs have appointed garbage to lead the dept going back to the late 90s. The Wildlife commission who also set some...
  14. K

    It Looks Grim

    That's 100% truth -- Ken Corbett is my state rep and I can't stand him. His place isn't far from where I live I believe.
  15. K

    Recommendations for you who like to drink deeply of good books

    American Buffalo - Steven Rinella Great read. -- More Modern author. Hunting and Trading on the Great Plains -- JR Mead Amazing read - JR Mead was one of the founders of Wichita -- deals a lot with trading on the KS Plains. (This book was MUCH cheaper a few years ago -- I think people have...
  16. K

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    There is too many variables for us to all comprehend it - yet others tell us cows farting, burning your fireplace etc are causing "Global" warming and they should tax us. We look at things only our small human brains can comprehend in small increments of time such as a year, decade, or our...
  17. K

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    I agree the current system is broken - but the way you are saying you - sounds like a mouthpiece for the New Green deal or something. Nothing will change with the greed we have and the fact big food/chemical companies control the food supply and production of it - they've backed farmers into...
  18. K

    Advice needed NW KS

    Leave it alone - your parcels are so small it's just a place for them to hang out depending on the time of day. If you are from NW or Western KS - you know they like small patches of overgrown weedy cover. Keeping your sprayer away and letting it be would be great. Listen to Troy on the...
  19. K

    Ticks Are GROSS!!!

    I dont think so -- I never dove deep into how you get infected -- just a little bit - but I believe the bacteria are transferred via the ticks saliva -- What can help transmission supposedly is what I have done more than once on one that had a firm hold on me -- use rubbing alcohol or something...
  20. K

    Ticks Are GROSS!!!

    Drs are all full of shit -- I got lyme and it messed me up for 2-3 years until I went out of state to seek treatment and find an infectious disease Doc to help me in Missouri. Dont even get me started on the 99% stuck up know it alls --- Most physicians are worthless. I got to a point I didnt...