Search results

  1. W

    What's your favorite movie?

    Just thought I'd ask, seeing we have a diverse crowd here. I'll post my favorite three. Dances With Wolves Tombstone Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
  2. W

    Sick Dog

    My German Shorthair has come down with something over the weekend. :( She's been vomiting, and has had diarrhea to boot. She starting getting sick Friday night. The vomiting pretty much just went through the evening and night on Friday, but she is still having bouts of diarrhea. I'm having...
  3. W

    Super Full Choke For Benelli Crio Choke System.

    Just curious if anyone has a good patterning aftermarket super full choke for their Benelli that they wouldn't mind recommending. I've never turkey hunted with anything more than a standard full, but passed on a few shots over the week where a super full may have made the difference. Thanks...
  4. W


    Anyone having luck with the crappie biting yet? I've already pulled a few out of the water with eggs in them. I wonder if it's going to be an early spawn year for these tasty little treats. I was in a taxidermy shop the other day, and seen the biggest black crappie ever, hands down...
  5. W

    CRP General Signup Deadline TODAY.

    Today is the last day of the 2011 CRP general signup. I wonder how many acres are going to be reclaimed for crops with the current and expected price of grain. Or, will the high cost of diesel keep a lot of farmers on the sideline, and the land in CRP? It's going to be interesting to see how...
  6. W

    Pen Raising Forum Objectives

    Greetings fellow UPH members! With the addition of this new forum, the mod team thought it prudent to post what this particular board should and shouldn't be used for. Acceptable posts include discussions regarding... Raising. Breeding. Releasing. Genetics. Stocking Technique. Flight Pen...
  7. W

    Gunbroker and other Dealers

    So, after Dakotazeb and I hijacked some poor new member's intro thread :), I discovered some manufacturer's are actually still producing 16 ga. model shotguns (shows how much I pay attention to these things :D). I'd like to purchase one towards the end of summer. I'd also like to get an O/U...
  8. W

    Is the quote button broke?

    Anyone else having issues with the quote button today? I PM'd webguy about a small typo last night, and think he broke something trying to fix it... :D Luckily I know the code for quoting, so I can still quote away! Edit: It appears the person I was attempting to quote was editing his post...
  9. W

    Big Game Feeders

    I'm in the market for a new "Big Game" feeder. I was looking at this particular Moultrie model. It has several excellent reviews, and fits in my limited budget...
  10. W

    Just got my Deer Hunting Survey...

    I'm not sure if I was embarrassed, or depressed while filling out the number of days I spent afield during the different seasons in search of that elusive whitetail... :eek: Anyway, be sure to fill out your surveys gents, and post comments at the end, if applicable. :thumbsup:
  11. W

    User Module?

    Apologies for even asking, but I thought it would be worth a shot. It's been a year or two since I've done anything with phpBB or vBulletin, and nothing near as complex as the site you've built here webguy, but I was wondering if there is a user mod where one can bookmark threads in the forum...
  12. W

    Where have all the Quail gone? - SE KS

    Seriously, what's the deal with the quail. :confused: I hunted several pristine CRP fields this morning with a buddy and our three shorthairs. None of these fields have even been walked this year. We should have at least bumped one covey, but alas - we ended up leaving the fields without...
  13. W

    Mountain Lions?

    Has anyone seen a mountain lion while out in your ventures through Kansas? The department of wildlife denies they exist in our state, but I've heard stories of them. One of which was a guy in Cloud County caught one on his trail cam. Another story I heard was about a guy shooting one in NE...
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    USDA Sec. Vilsack to Make Announcement at Pheasant Fest

    Link to the original article:
  15. W

    Snow Tactics

    As the thread title suggests, what's your favorite way to hunt in the snow? Do you hunt strictly in shelter belts, or do you look for other advantageous cover as well? For me, I love hunting shelter belts and thickets when freezing temperatures and snow abound. However, that's not the only...
  16. W

    Smoking Pheasant

    Anyone got any good brine, injection, or rub recipes for pheasant? I'm pretty damn good at barbecuing, but haven't tried a pheasant since I was in college, and everyone kept opening the damn lid on the smoker. :mad:
  17. W

    Just got Back

    Well, I just got back in last night from a two day trip out to South-Central Kansas. The conditions could have been better, but all-in-all, it was a great trip. We drank some beer, laughed a little, and with a little luck, shot some roosters to boot. My buddy shot his first rooster in the...
  18. W

    Hotels in Pratt - or Nearby

    Anyone have any recommendations? I'm heading that way tomorrow afternoon. I hate reading reviews on the internet - it seems everyone is a "negative nancy" in some fashion or another. I'm just looking for a clean, wallet-friendly place that will allow my two shorthairs to stay with me. Edit...
  19. W

    Thanks for the Tease!

    It appears the "decent" amount of moisture we were supposed to get is all but pushed out of the forecast, and more warm weather is expected. I'm heading SC next week to chase some roosters, and was really looking forward to hunting in somewhat "ideal" conditions. F#%* you mother nature! :mad:
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    Forum Tip: Place Photos Directly in Posts

    Just thought I'd throw this out there for those of you interested in placing your photos in your forum post instead of uploading attachments, in case you don't know how to do so and would like to. The most user-friendly site to use out there at the moment is imageshack. This site does not...