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  1. W

    Any Weber Smokey Mountain Fans?

    Thinking about picking up a WSM as a smoker for get togethers with family and friends. This is perhaps one of the most popular smokers in the universe, with a huge following and a top-notch website. Question is... anyone here use one? If so, what do you...
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    Interesting Read

    Informative article published by KDWP regarding wildlife funding. Pete is just gonna love this one. :D Source:
  3. W

    Limbsaver for a Citori

    Was looking to put a limbsaver on the Citori I bought last summer after a day at the trap range last week. She's a 16 ga. built on a 20 ga. frame, and ouch! After about 50 rounds in the warm weather without any layers on my shoulder was effectively pulverized. I'd like to get one of the...
  4. W

    And this is why...

    You have gun nuts with multiple safes full of weapons. And they think we're crazy!! Link:
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    Packing Up

    Well... I've started the ever so shitty process of packing for opening weekend. I'll forget something, like I usually do, but man does it feel good to get the vest out and packed, guns inspected, etc. Good luck to everyone heading out this weekend. Be safe, and do share your stories...
  6. W

    Another Dismal Affirmation

    Read this yesterday in the KC Star. The only good I can get out of it is with the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge all but dried up, some birds might make a pit stop further East. I'll probably spend more of my free weekends harvesting Whitetails...
  7. W

    Finally "Pulled the Trigger"

    Hopefully sometime tomorrow my cashier's check will have reached Illinois, and a Browning Citori Feather Lightning 16 ga. with 26" barrels will be heading to Kansas City! I can't wait to pick it up! :cheers:
  8. W

    Storing Your Steel

    Hey guys, I have a question. If you intend to store a weapon for an extended period of time (either not in use, or in the offseason, etc.), what do you use? Is it something different that what you normally use for usual maintenance? Your thoughts are appreciated!
  9. W

    Happy Birthday mnmthunting!

    As the title says, happy birthday old man! Enjoy! :cheers:
  10. W


    Has anyone looked at the stats? I just now noticed this: "Most users ever online was 479, 07-07-2011 at 01:36 PM." What in the hell was going on July 7 of this year, pheasantgeddon? Must be a glitch! :D
  11. W

    I Wish They Would Provide Backup

    I know very little regarding pen-raising, and even less about survival rates, etc. However, if a national publication releases articles like these, I really wish they would back up their claims with facts, even if it's to references previously disseminated by their own authors. I have read...
  12. W

    The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

    The most recent Pheasants Forever blog is focused on Kansas. The Good - Crow counts were up substantially this year. The Bad - The best producing areas of the state are under a severe drought, with poor nesting conditions and insect production. The Ugly - There is no end in sight for the...
  13. W

    Please Help

    This is a non-partisan plea from a guy well-educated in finance (banking, economics, etc) asking everyone to oppose an increase in the debt ceiling. Call your representatives in the house and/or senate and object to any increase in the debt ceiling. Whether you believe that raising income...
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    Joplin Tornado

    Thoughts go out to you guys in Missouri tonight, especially those who live or have family and friends in the affected tornado areas. The footage on the news is horrible... :(
  15. W

    I'm all set...

    Well guys and gals, I think I'm prepared to meet my maker and be raptured out of here in a few hours (is that 6 p.m. Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific time? :confused:). Cleaned my guns one last time, spent some time with the dog, called my friends and family and just said "hope to see you...
  16. W


    Who's ready ?!? I'm cooking some good 'ole KC BBQ for my grandpa's birthday tomorrow. Surely we have some BBQ renegades around here. Share some recipes, and goooood food here! I'll share my rib rub recipe tomorrow, and some pics of before and after Q'ing. Tomorrow's que? KC made green...
  17. W

    Text a Wildlife Area

    Pheasants Forever is running a program to "Text a Wildlife Area" this month. Information can be found in the following link: To sum it up, texting a code to number "27722" adds a $10 donation to your phone bill. There are also codes specific to certain...
  18. W

    What incubators are you using?

    Just curious as to what you boys are using as incubators. Where did you get them, how much did they cost you... etc. Also, what's your thoughts on an acceptable smaller incubator for say, 50 eggs?
  19. W

    Carp Hunters...

    This, was hilarious! Apparently the youtube functionality is broke on this thing... what's up with that webguy? here's the link.
  20. W

    Kansas City Announced as Host for 2012 Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic.

    Title says it all. The press release can be found here: