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  1. onpoint

    What farm subsidies won't buy you these days

    Maybe he should have stuck to buying new pickups and fancy tractors.|breaking|text|Home
  2. onpoint

    Tunes for the road trip

    Gota love this :thumbsup::cheers:
  3. onpoint

    Health Care explained, very interesting

    Trillions in play....unbridled charging leading to us Americans getting screwed!! " :10sign: on this video
  4. onpoint

    President take NRA's lead to arm guards in schools 45 million for armed guards in schools.
  5. onpoint

    No more Smithfield hams or other products in our house. Biggest Chinese take over of a American company ever. Selling foreigners our Premium farmland, now our food producing company's. Nearly all our manufacturing, maintenance of our military...
  6. onpoint

    Go kc....

    I like seeing a ousted leader..kick his old bosses @$$!!!
  7. onpoint

    Friends with tractor's

    I sat beside a man from Hollywood, California on a plane He said he had rich and famous friends, yeah he liked droppin' names I said, "Well, howdy do, that's good for you, I dig a lot of those actors But son you ain't got a thing on me, see I got friends with tractors" They'll grow your...
  8. onpoint

    Shot a new A5 Browning 3.5" auto this weekend.

    Fantastic gun. Shot 3 boxes of 1oz cheap promo loads a box of 11/8oz target loads and about 12 3.5" goose loads. Cycled all loads. Great sight plain just like the old Auto 5. Feels very light and shot it very well. 100,000 round 5 year Warranty. :10sign::10sign:
  9. onpoint

    Texas teen sets Skeet shooting world record 500 out of 500

    Amazing, congrats young man :thumbsup::10sign::10sign:
  10. onpoint

    This is what heppens when you screw with someone on the hwy who has a carry permit

  11. onpoint

    Amazing rescue of Alask hunter mauled by bear

    God Bless those U.S. Air Force members who gave it their all to get this man out of the bush and to a hospital. Great read!!
  12. onpoint

    Fracking, what will this do to the future of no only animals but people too

    Read what is happening where this Fracking is going full tilt. Western North Dakota, eastern Montana, is their future? no water? poisoned water? Then they want a pipeline to get the oil to the gulf for export to the world market. Oil is our largest export. We export more then we use. I...
  13. onpoint

    New 28ga auto loader on the market

    I'm thinking I need to buy one of these.
  14. onpoint

    up coming pheasant season

    A little news on the up coming ND pheasant season
  15. onpoint

    A few words from Pheasants Forever

    PHEASANTS DOWN THERE. If you?ve hunted pheasants in the eastern half of North Dakota and/or South Dakota, you?ve set foot in the Prairie Pothole Region. The grasslands amongst all those potholes are prime habitat for pheasants, other upland birds and waterfowl. Pothole loss has reached 90...
  16. onpoint

    More on Bee die off

    Not good news!!
  17. onpoint

    Italy to ban GMO corn with 80% public support
  18. onpoint

    Your Legacy

    What would you like to remembered for after your gone from this earth? I would like to be remembered for fighting for the underdog. Caring for the elderly, handicapped and poor. For being a good dad and husband and a great cook, hunter and fisherman. What would you like to be remembered for?
  19. onpoint

    This is controversial IMO, Mn DNR training dogs

    To find Zebra Muscles. The DNR has evoked a $500 fine for transporting Zebra Muscles($150 for weeds) on/in your boat or trailer. Now, how they intend to use these dogs is a fine line on a slippery slope IMO. I'm sorry but I see these dogs being used like many other high tech law enforcement...
  20. onpoint

    Have a safe, happy 4th of July

    Just wishing you all a great 4th of July. Be safe and eat lots of good food. This is the biggest BBQ holiday of the year. what ya guys cooking up? Onpoint