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    An American Tragedy It's hard for me to walk the forest of the Eastern U.S. without getting the feeling that something is sadly missing!

    2012 Pheasant Releases!

    It looks like 2012 promises to be a great season for pheasant hunting in PA.! The PGC has announced that stocking will increase from the current 100,000 to over 200,000 Ringnecks! It will also release birds more often and longer into the season. Thank You PGC, it's pretty obvious that you "get...

    67-72 Tribute A tribute to a great body style!

    Habitat Work, Roosters Cackling!

    Did some habitat work over the weekend! The Roosters were crowing like crazy! We also planted, Sweet American Crab Apple, Plum Thicket, Elderberry, Hazelnut,Red Oozier Dogwood, and Gray Stem Dogwood!

    Pheasant Video !

    Just thought I would share! There's video of a Pheasant Flushing Survey down in the Pa. Forum, it's WPRA VIDEO, posted by Bauerline ! Thought some of you might find it interesting!

    Flushing Survey Results

    Here are the results from the recent Flushing Survey! Courtesy of Mr. Lynn Appleman 2012 Central Susquehanna Wild Pheasant Recovery Area Flushing Survey Results Thanks again to everyone – landowners, group leaders, volunteers and dogs – for all your help with this year’s flushing surveys. This...

    Turbotville = South Dakota !

    Well maybe not quite, but it was still a great day! We did another Flushing survey today in Turbotville Pa., and all I can say is WOW! One farm had over 80 WILD pheasants flushed, the farm we did had over 20 and we didn't cover the whole farm. There was a lot of apprehension because of some bad...

    Greenwood Valley Flushing Survey!

    We took part in another Flushing Survey at Greenwood Valley. Despite it being bitter cold and 35-40 mph winds, the groups managed to flush 22 WILD pheasants! I have to tell ya, I really enjoy these things. Does anyone have any results from the Somerset County survey?

    Last Day Pheasant 2012

    What a great day...what a great season! We were going to hunt some swampland that doesn't get bothered much during the year because it is to inaccessible, but after it gets frozen it's much easier. Instead we decided to hunt a three hundred acre abandoned farm. To the best of our knowledge there...

    Good Ending!

    We got out for a short time Saturday morning, and it was a good day. We managed to flush 6 grouse and about the same amount of pheasant. It's always hard for me to shoot a bird on the last day, I figure if they made it this far I just want to wish them luck! We took some pictures of both the...

    2012 wild pheasant flushing survey

    It's hard to believe but it's that time of year already. I really look forward to this every year, it's neat to get to flush Wild Pa. pheasants! The times and dates are, Sun. Jan 15, 2012 Hegins Valley, Schuylkill county & Gratz Valley, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Dauphin county...

    Dec. 30th Grouse HUNT.

    Went for grouse at our camp in Bradford County. It was a great hunt, the birds were where we thought they would be. Unfortunately my shooting was horrible, I missed a couple of real easy shots! I took a picture of this guy "left side of picture", we didn't shoot at him because he was right on...

    Pa. Rifle Buck Season!

    Ok guys I know we hate to do it, but in a couple of days we're going to have to hang up the shotguns and pick up the rifles. Who's going out for deer? What County? Deer Camp?

    Rockport Pheasant Farm NJ

    For any of you guys that also hunt in NJ,the Rockport Pheasant Farm sustained heavy damage in the recent October snow storm. Many of the pheasants have escaped or were suffocated. Seems to be a lot of this going around! They are not sure how this will effect the stocking,NJ releases about 50,000...

    Reeves Pheasant?

    Has there ever been a wild population of Reeves Pheasant established in the U.S.? I think some reproduce on their own in the UK.

    State Ranking?

    Just for fun, rank in your opinion,the top five upland bird hunting states! I think the top three are easy,then it gets a little tricky.

    The Big Day!

    There are few things I look forward to as much as the opening day of pheasant season. Maybe first day of buck season but that is an entirely different type of feeling. I am lucky enough to remember the days when Pa. hunters were taking over one million birds a year. It seemed like every pick-up...

    Grouse Opener!

    We will be heading for our camp in Bradford County for the grouse opener.It seems about the same as last year as far as the amount of birds. How many of you guys will be going out? How does it look in your area? We sort of use it for a tune-up for the pheasant season.