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  1. O

    CRP and why we make it so darn hard

    I realize that CRP is a water and soil issue as much or more than a wildlife issue, but why in the world don't we just follow the old soil bank protocol. In soil bank we just let it go! If it was tilled it just grew up in annual weeds, no spraying, no sod forming monoculture, no rank grasses of...
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    MDC quail focus areas vs. private ground

    I am amazed by the lack of birds on the MDC quail emphasis areas as compared to private ground, in the same general area, with supposedly inferior habitat. Is it that the management plan of the areas are flawed, or is it that it's so good the birds are nearly impossible to locate, due to the...
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    Advice to someone contemplating the upland hunting life.

    I recently had the opportunity to answer a question of a young 20 something would be hunter, who was contemplating a lifetime of upland hunting. The young guy got a taste of pheasant hunting on a long weekend, had more than typical success, became enamoured with dogs, the birds, the places...
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    Hunting Decorum for Idiots

    One would hope these are basic rules that we in the hunting fraternity live by, but judging from the blogs, apparently I am giving to much credit, I don't think this applies to any of us on the forum, but I am posting this and encouraging all of you to list some common manners of the field...
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    Quail hunting and affect on population

    Article in CoveyRise this month revisits the topic of bobwhite quail hunting and it's affect on quail populations year to year. Seems the 1998 Auburn University study, concluding that hunting had little or no affect on bobwhite carryover was a little flawed, it assumed a high quail population, (...
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    Damascus Steel

    Grew up with the commom knowledge that damascus steel barrels were unsafe. I have come across testimony that there are shooters who shoot them regularly with low pressure loads. Furthermore the British reproof damascus for nitro loads. I don't think I can gather the courage to shoot even low...
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    News from KDWPT

    I had occassion to talk with both the WIHA coordinator, and the enforcement department this A.M. Some information. Likelyhood of moving the pheasant opener to November 1st is a none starter. It is apposed by Kansas Farm Bureau, and individual landowners who are leary of crop damage, in fact the...
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    Pheasant Hunters Inclusive or Exclusive

    I have noticed a theme throughout the forum in the last year, and at the risk of offending all sides, I think it should be addressed. We seem to have strong feelings about being discouraging even hostile, to non-resident hunters. I direct you to posts on the Kansas, Iowa, and North Dakota...
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    Prairie Chicken Population Rebounds

    Like a lot of you I just got my copy of the Missouri Conservationist. This issue touting the tremendous increase in prairie chicken reproduction this year, estimated at 80% normal being 50% or less. The last few years have been dismal due to cold wet springs, this year with normal conditions...
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    Horror show continues

    Those who malign other states for over optomistic assessment of the quail and pheasant population sure won't have any complaint with Missouri Dept. of Conservation. I believe they could count more mountain lions than quail per mile. The gloom of recent years continues. Less birds statewide...
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    Can't beat Mother Nature

    So I'm visiting a customer SW Missouri to do a farm inspection. Corn crop a failure, chopped for silage, ( even poor at that), checking out the property, and where the corn failed is a real nice growth of croton, crab grass, gamma grass, and sprouts of bluestem among the stalks. A few steps...
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    Guarded Optimism

    I try to stay aware of what the MDC is thinking and doing on the upland front. Recently there has been some guarded optimism with regards to the spring 2011 hatch. As you may have seen yourself the Turkey hatch was up dramatically, there is some thought that the quail would have responded as...
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    CRP signup and USDA access program

    The "Covey Rise" magazine reports that approx. 38000 offers of nearly 3.8 million acres were submitted for CRP nationwide during the last signup. 2.8 million were accepted, which was the maximum allowed, the cap is 32 million, with 29.9 acres in the program, allowing for the continous CREP...
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    Dodge sets new record for 100 degree days

    I don't know whether to send congratulations or regrets! I guess in twenty years, you guys can tell the youngsters you survived, ( I hope), the great drought and outrageous heat of 2011. Just got back from Pierce City, Missouri area, farmers shelling corn getting 8-20 bushels an acre. Irrigated...
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    Broods anybody?

    I haven't seen any quail broods just gobs of turkeys, big , medium, and small. Anybody see any quail?
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    Ogallala Water

    Article in the Kansas City Star describing the critical water supply of the great plains. Sounds like the Kansas governor has a plan. It's about time somebody did...
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    Monarch Butterflys and healthy habitat

    Interesting article in the Kansas City Star about the dwindling monarch butterfly population and it's relationship to clean farming and heavy herbicide use. Looks like our gamebirds would benefit from the same management, or lack there of ...
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    Rain this year and bird production

    This year sure seems different from last year. I was surprised to see we had a little more moisture this year, than last. Difference must be the heat, last year cold and dreary clear into July. This year rain has been warm and brief. Seems like we ought to have some more successful quail...
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    Bird sightings

    Farmers cutting wheat and barley in the part of Kansas which has moisture, northeast and east central have reported to me that they are seeing more quail and pheasant broods, than the last two years, and a slew of turkeys, with some hens still nesting! Having to slow down and mow around the...
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    Black Powder

    I brought this up in another post and thought that it deserved it's own thread. Some of you may think it's insane, but the grace, workmanship, and grace of the pre 1900 double guns have leas me to a reintroduction to an old friend, black powder, and percussion ignition. I dabbled with this as a...