Search results

  1. O

    Best field trial game for hunters?

    I am wondering about which field trial game is the best for hunting pointing dogs? I have trialed horseback all-age, and shooting dogs. I feel it shows the dog on a course, so search and game finding are important. I have seen an NSTRA trial, which is like a "bird field" situation, but unlike...
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    Best week of pheasant hunting in every year.

    I have determined the best week of pheasant hunting, is the week after opening weekend. Especially on public ground. All the ceremonial hunters are back to work, did little to the population, aren't under your shoes. usually mild, dogs are worn down a little, pheasants are grouping up from...
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    Internet Scouting, or maybe I have been here to long!

    O.K. I have now addressed a poster, actually two, who wanted to know how to hunt pheasants in Connecticut! Well I have very little idea except I remember I saw somewhere they stock birds. I told them that. Them in 5 seconds to assuage my curiosity, I looked up Connecticut Department of Energy...
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    results and success

    I have to say that by the results and conversation, it seems that rather than last year, and maybe the previous year, got some reproduction, not stellar by any means, but at least a start. Young birds means that there is the ability to produce a wild population, needing the increased habitat for...
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    De-carbonized barrels?

    I spent last year re-conditioning myself to playing around with Damascus barrels. I checked them, magna fluxed them, just can't find the quality of the old guns! I had good patterns, I used hand loaded brass shells, with black powder, psi of around 7000#s. 1-1 1/8 ounces of lead or nice shot. If...
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    Commodity Prices!!!!

    Since corn is down to a little over $3.12-3.85 in South Dakota, all commodity prices down every where, at or after the fall harvest, that is a bigger variation than previous years. It has been a steady downward cycle since summer time. I am awaiting the advice that "land will go up" because...
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    Well here they are. I took my daughter to the bus stop and the power lines were covered in doves. If it stays hot and doesn't rain. Take a case of shells! I hope I see quail in the ditches.
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    Local resident geese have babies today!

    Well here's a shocker, we had two different Canada geese have hatched eggs today! Yes that is correct, September 2. Never seen it before, each one had one egg, and sure enough they brought them thru. In nearly 100 degree heat. We had a bust this spring, usually see babies in March, we had some...
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    Water for Kansans future.

    I put a tag on the "Habitat" thread. it's now or never, and it could change our lives. Maynard I thought about you. I know your concerned.
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    Water- We need to change.

    I hope, I pasted this from the Kansas City Star. I'll try again!
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    State rights for Nebraska!

    I can't believe that we have a pheasant hunting blog, without a separate blog for Nebraska on the main register. Since I was a kid, Nebraska was a dream, sharp tails, prairie chickens, and pheasants. Quail to in good years. I have still shot more pheasants in Nebraska than an equal amount of...
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    Quail-Hoorah for Oklahoma!

    I just saw a column on bobwhite quail in Shooting Sportsman issue#18. Despite the fact that many quail states have "thrown in the towel", on the species, Oklahoma is on the ball. This is a pitched battle, across the country. We need traction, rather than retreating, field by a field. It's been...
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    Wanted....a new and different gamebird

    Well with tiling, burning wetlands, mowing ditches, creating fescue monoculture, hedgerows gone. pheasants are passay, quail to much bother. We need a new bird. Able to get along on bare soil, or mature forest, eats only wheat contaminated by ergot, or moldy corn, impervious to weather, able to...
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    It creeps in. Where do we go after the President executive orders gun restrictions?

    Looks like we will take a short cut and take a tactic from the previous adminstration, remember the water boarding, torturing outside the country? presidential edict. Gosh those nettlesome Constitution gaurantees, once we toss them aside, any thing can happen. Now we can restrict gun ownership...
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    Tuna, the economy around the world, ocean habitat

    Well our "allies", the Japanese sold a Bluefin Tuna for $1.76 million yesterday. Yes that is not a misprint, The whale killers, rhino horn, ivory poachers who are slaves to sushi, are endangering the big tunas ability to survive. They come over here, fish in our waters, try to buy hook and line...
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    Texas A&M left the Big 12 to soon!

    Big Game Bob is fast approaching a five game bowl losing streak. Guess he might have to come up with a better recruiting speech than "we win championships". I guess he can still say we beat Texas like a step dog, or we might play in the PAC-12 if we can get them to take us.
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    Legal silliness, The games begin! Sandy Hook

    Here why we need to resist new laws. Because we have to put with attorneys! Some attorney, of witch there are way to many, filed a suit against the school district in Sandy Hook, for 100,000,000.00 for a SURVIVOR, claiming unspecified damage, because the district did not forsee, and guard...
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    World Class Pointers or Setters

    I have been intrigued by this topic for a while, from some of the blogs here. I have been a pointing dog owner for years, I am now trying what I think? is a nice Labrador. We have a bond. It's working. But I am an old dog, and I find myself reminissing about the special pointers I have seen...
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    Quail, I still see some!

    At the risk of despoiling our bounty. I am still seeing more birds in Missouri. I want to make it clear, there are not birds under every bush. I wouldn't want to plan a trip, but it's at least a huntable population, which is more than we had originally. One wonders what the MDC does to access...
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    steel shot are we where we need to be?

    I have been doing some more waterfowling this year. I have been satisfied that the discussion of whether or not, steel shot is the law of the land. I have no complaint from a conservation standard. I will say that I am still seeing a lot of cripples with it. It's a lot better now than years...