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  1. G

    Todays Hunt - 2020 Season

    Hey all, my son Jim and I went out for our pre-dinner, Thanksgiving Day hunt. We each got one a piece. We saw plenty of birds, but boy were they ever spooky. Flushing way head and not giving Raina much of a chance to pin one. She did manage to pin a couple however. So....she was the hero of...
  2. G

    Gun Boxes - worth keeping?

    +1, well stated! Best, Greg
  3. G

    Todays Hunt - 2020 Season

    Hey all, took some time off of work for a short hunt. Good day, should have had a limit, but when walking tree rows by yourself, guess what side the birds get up? You know! Did manage to get two so not a loss. Weather was great, low winds, temps in the 60's! All in all a good day! Used my 12b...
  4. G

    FOR SALE - Cuga Dog Vest

    Hi all, I have a Cuga Dog Vest up for sale, Size Small. Just doesn't fit my dogs. It's never been worn except to size it. It's brand spanking new. Asking $65 shipped to your door. They retail for $75 and that doesn't include shipping. Let me know if your interested. PM or email me...
  5. G

    Todays Hunt - 2020 Season

    Hey all, took off the afternoon today, temps were great after being in the deep freeze for the last two weeks. Winds were supposed to be low (right this is North Dakota, the winds were in that 18mph range). Birds were spooky (thanks wind!). Did down one that Addie tracked for some time and...
  6. G

    Todays Hunt - 2020 Season

    Hey, rather than having separate threads for our hunts, why don't we have just one that everyone can post for this season. Might save some time. So let's see those pictures of your hunts here in this Great State. Here's my first (sorry about the pic!) Had a very short hunt after Church and...
  7. G

    Day Before the Storm

    Hey esetter, short answer is.......who knows! Just depends on where your going and what this weather does, so hard to say with any certainty. It is supposed to get cold next week then I guess a warm up. Either way, good luck and be safe Greg
  8. G

    Day Before the Storm

    Hey all, took off half a day of work to get some hunting in before the winter storm we're supposed to get (tonight and tomorrow). Was out for a hour and 15 minutes and managed to limit and get a Hun. Saw a lot of birds, but they were spooky. Rania did very well, hope to get out some this...
  9. G

    Good Day, Today!

    Hey all, today was a much better day than the opener. Saw a lot of birds today and was able to limit out in an hour. Raina did very well. I used my 12b Churchill Premiere (with those nasty 25" barrels!) And the hero of the day....Raina Augusta Victoria Von St. Antonius Best Greg
  10. G

    Happy ND Opener...

    Hey all, glad you folks did well. My son and I didn't fair so well today. Didn't see many birds at all. We each managed 1 and I also got a grouse. Lady luck wasn't with us today. Anyway, congrats on your successful hunts. Jim with Addie. Jim was using his 12ga V. Sarasqueta 3EC I used...
  11. G

    Sharpies and Huns

    Hey all, here are some pics of this years grouse hunting so far. Have not ran into any Huns, yet. Been an okay season so far, not like some years, but far better than last season. Tomorrow is our duck opener, so the grouse will be getting a brake for awhile. Best, Greg
  12. G

    ND 2020 PLOTS guide published

    Yep, another guide to plowed fields, hayed fields and scenes of cattle grazing. Sorry for being so negative, but unfortunately that's what many look like when you find them. The PLOTS program is a great concept, however it needs a major overhaul. It seems like G&F will pay a landowner for...
  13. G


    Hey all, well..........looks like the tail end of the season will fair no better than the beginning. Was out yesterday for a couple hours, tough going. Snow depths did vary, but the "Thanksgiving" weekend storm sure did cover up some of the better cover around us. Cattail sloughs are getting...
  14. G

    How's Your Season Going?

    Hey all, just curious to see how folks are doing so far this year. Been a bit of an odd one for us. Most of the prime areas we hunt are either underwater, have a lot of standing crop or the weather has played havoc with getting to them. I haven't shot one yet this year. My son Jim and I went...
  15. G

    Meet Our New Pup - Addie

    Hi all, well we have*a new addition to our family.* A beautiful 9 week old GSP.* Her full name is:* NoDak's Adelaide*Von St. Antonius, Addie for short. My wife thought up the name which in Old German means Noble.* Everyone liked it and the name stuck.* This pup is not from a litter that we were...
  16. G

    For Sale - Garmin Alpha 100/TT-15

    Hi all, up for sale is a used, but in great shape and perfect working order a Garmin Alpha 100/TT-15.* I have used this unit for two years with no issues or problems.* I just want to go to something a bit simpler.* No damage to any of the components.* Does have some hunting wear, but nothing...
  17. G

    FOR SALE 16ga AyA Matador

    Hi all, I have up for sale in excellent condition (like NIB), a hard to find AyA 16ga Matador. No problems or issues with this gun, tight, on face, no dings, dents, cracks or damage to the stock (couple of minor pressure marks), metal blue is about 99%. No problems with the single selective...
  18. G

    Over Till Next Year!

    Hey all, well, today was the last day of our bird hunting season. For us, it was a tough one. I have to say it's been the worst season I've had in many a year. Bird numbers were way down, lots of lost cover due to last years drought and the weather was screwy as well. Still, it's always...
  19. G

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families! God Bless! Greg