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  1. Upland4Ever


    How many just pheasant hunt? Pheasant& Waterfowl? Pheasant& Deer?
  2. Upland4Ever


    How many of you are Spring snow goose hunting?
  3. Upland4Ever

    North or South

    Why don't they do more bird hunting in the south? And in the north is waterfowl under rated as far as how well it is?
  4. Upland4Ever

    Dog Food

    Any Ideas on a good food that will keep my lab working hard and lean?
  5. Upland4Ever

    Pheasant Loads

    So I wanted to see the which pheasant load, has the best knock down power, for the best price. Winchester Super Pheasant, Federal Pheasants loads, Remington Pheasants loads?
  6. Upland4Ever


    Has anyone used Rio shotshells?
  7. Upland4Ever

    The best taste.

    Do you think quail, duck, pheasant or goose taste the best?
  8. Upland4Ever


    Does anyone that is a bird hunter, hunt geese?
  9. Upland4Ever

    3 weeks

    3 weekd from my Plantation quail hunt and trout fishing in Louisiana.
  10. Upland4Ever

    Blood flowing

    what get's your blood flowing a good bird hunt or a good waterfowl hunt?
  11. Upland4Ever

    What can we do

    So with birds nymbers next to none in eastern Neb, what do I do besides driving upon hours each weekend to hunt?
  12. Upland4Ever

    Need snow

    Man, Sure wish we could get some snow and atleast consistent cold temps here in Nebraska.
  13. Upland4Ever

    Eastern Nebraska

    So I need some advice, I can't afford to go out west to hunt, cause theres no birds left on the eastern side what do I do?
  14. Upland4Ever

    A issue

    so my buddy wants to hunt sat and the same local spot and hes not listen to me, as I tell him you should'nt keep hunting the same spot over and over. Well what do I do, go duck hunting or go burn out the pheasant spot.
  15. Upland4Ever

    Shell Brand

    Most common shell brand used in the field?
  16. Upland4Ever

    The Gun

    Which gun is most common carried by the American Bird hunter?
  17. Upland4Ever

    Deer Hunting

    So, now I was feeling better I went on a evening deer hunt with my father. And you know when you got that feeling you don't love something anymore? Well I was sitting there and heard a few quail, and all I was thinking, I need my dog I should be bird hunting. The hard part is, I have been trying...
  18. Upland4Ever

    Down grading

    Going back to basic cable, tired of all the deer shows and no bird hunting.
  19. Upland4Ever

    Southeast US

    Are there any big time upland hunters in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas? Share your stories.
  20. Upland4Ever


    So all my times going bird hunting in the coldest days and snowy, I go deer hunting one time and it was'nt very cold and I get sick.